七上新目标英语1 12重点句型

发布 2021-05-23 02:49:28 阅读 9424


units 1-2

1. 在失物招领处。 in the lost and found case.

2. 用495-3539 给艾伦打**。 call alan at 495-3539.

3. 我的学生证。 my school id card.

4. 他的**号码。 his telephone number.

5. 她的姓。 her family name. 6. 他们的名字是…. their names are …

unit 3

1. 谢谢你家的**。 thanks for the photo of your family.

2. 这是我的家庭**。 here is my family photo.

3. 看… look at / h**e a look at

4. 这些是我的父母。 these are my parents.

5. father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother, sister.

unit 4


can you bring some things to school for me ?

2. 我需要我的帽子。 i need my hat.

3. 这是我的房间。 here is my room.

4. 请把这些东西带给你妹妹。 please take these things to your sister.

5. 钥匙在抽屉里。 the keys are in the drawer.

6. 我的背包在**? where’s my backpack ?

7. 他在桌子下面吗? is it under the table?

8. 棒球在**? where are the baseballs ? they’re on the sofa.

unit 5

1. 他有很多运动收藏。 he has a great sports collection.

2. 他每天做运动。 he plays(does, has ) sports every day.

3. 他仅仅在电视里看他们。 he only watches them on tv.

4. 打电子游戏。 play computer games.

5. 打网球(乒乓) play tennis( ping-pong)

6. 让我们踢足球。 let’s play soccer. 7. 听起来不错。 that sounds good.

8. 我们有许多运动俱乐部。 we h**e many sports club.

9. 你有一个乒乓球吗? 是的,我有。 do you h**e a ping-pong ball? yes, i do.

unit 6

1. tomatoes strawberries 2. salad, ice cream, children 不加复数。


what do you like for breakfast (lunch , dinner)?

5. 他甜点吃冰淇凌。 he has ice cream for dessert.

6. 刘翔是一位跑步明星。 liu xiang is a running star.

7. 跑步者吃的好。 runner eats well.

8. 许多健康食物。 a lot of ( lots of ) healthy food 9. 食物单 a list of food.

unit 7

1. 这件体恤多少钱? 7美元。 how much is this t-shirt? it’s seven dollars.

2. 这些袜子多少钱? 2美元。

how much are these socks ? they’re two dollars.

3. p43 对话4. 1-31基数词。

5. 我们卖裤子**价30元。 we sell pants for only 30 yuan.

6. 来亲眼看看吧。 come and see for yourself.

7. 任何人都能出的起我们的**。 anybody can afford our prices.

8. 我们有女孩子穿的所有颜色的体恤。

for girls, we h**e t-shirts in all colors.

9. 我们有很好的包售价仅12元。 we h**e great bags for only 12 yuan.

10. 你需要运动包嘛? do you need bags for sports?

11. 以一个非常好的**。 at a very good price

12. 绿色的短裤在减价销售近25美元。

the green shorts are on sale for 25 dollars.

13. 看一看这件毛衣。 h**e a look at the sweater

unit 8

1. 写出12个月份2. 1-31序数词。

3. 莎丽的生日聚会是何时?十月五号。

when is sally’s birthday party? it’s october fifth.

4. 英语口语竞赛是何时? 四月十九号。

when is english speech contest? it’s april 19th.

unit 9

1. comedy—comedies documentary – documentaries beijing opera.


he often goes to movies with his father and mother.

3. rush hour 是一部动作片。 rush hour is an action movie.

4. jackie chan 是一名演员。 jackie chan is an actor.

5. 在周末。 on weekends 6. 一部成功的恐怖片 a successful thriller.

unit 10

p64 对话。

1. 说英语,汉语。 speak english/ chinese.

2. 你们想加入什么俱乐部? what club do you want to join?

3. 我们想加入象棋俱乐部。 we want to join the chess club.

4. 来加入我们吧! come and join us.

5. 你能帮助孩子们学游泳(**,运动,电脑)嘛?

can you help kids with swimming ( sports, music, computer )?

6. 你和孩子相处好吗? are you good with kids?

7. tom 会弹吉他,但是弹得不好。

tom can play the guitar, but he can’t play it well.

8. 你会做什么? 我会打中国功夫。

what can you do ? i can do chinese kung fu.

9. 我们乐队需要两个**家。

we want two good musicians for our rock band.

10. 用…号码打**给…. call … at 122333

11. 弹钢琴,小提琴,吉他。 敲鼓,吹喇叭。

play the piano/violin/guitar,/drums, trumpet

12. 你有一个e-mail 地址嘛? do you h**e an e-mail address?

13. 我想了解艺术。 i want to learn about art.

14. 你会画画吗? 是的,会一点。 can you draw ? yes, a little.

15. 你为何想加入这个俱乐部? why do you want to join the club?

16. 要买什么东西吗? 是的。 can i help you ? yes, please. 17. 对话: p64.

unit 11

1. 他何时洗澡? 在六点。 what time does he h**e a shower? at six.

2. 现在几点了? 八点。 what time is it? /what’s the time ? it’s eight.

3. 人们喜欢听他(唱歌). people love to listen to him.

4. 整天,整夜。 all night , all day.

5. 这辆公共汽车通常带他在19:15 到达工作地点。

the bus usually takes him to work at 19:15.

6. 他十点去上班。 he goes to work at ten.

7. 多么滑稽的吃早餐的时间啊! what a funny time to h**e breakfast!

8. 他六点刷牙。 he brushes his teeth at six.

9. 我妈妈每天工作很长时间。 my mother works long hours every day.

10. go to school(bed , work). go home. get to school(work). get home.

11. in the morning (afternoon, evening).

12. best wishes13. 请尽快回信。 please write (back) soon.

14.请写信告诉我关于你的早晨。 please wite and tell me about your morning.


u2重点句型。h e a wide mouth and big eyes.我有一张宽嘴巴和一双大眼睛。you h e a wide mouth and big eyes?你有宽嘴巴和大眼睛吗?has short brown hair.简有棕色的短发。jane h e long brown hair?...


5.family tree家谱。about how about 关于 怎么样。7.a photo picture of 的一张 8.the name of 的名字。9.h e a good day 过得愉快。unit 3 is this your pencil?1 thank you.thanks ...


u4重点句型。can i do for you?我能为你做些什么吗?i help you?我能帮助你吗?want to buy some clothes for my daughter.我想要给我的女儿买一些衣服。at all.不用谢。没关系。i try on this coat please?ca...