
发布 2020-01-03 09:13:28 阅读 5597


h**e a wide mouth and big eyes. 我有一张宽嘴巴和一双大眼睛。

you h**e a wide mouth and big eyes? 你有宽嘴巴和大眼睛吗?

has short brown hair. 简有棕色的短发。

jane h**e long brown hair? 简有棕色的短发吗?

h**e round faces. 他们有圆脸。

is her f**orite actor?--it’s jackie chan. 谁是她最喜欢的演员?

are in the same school, but in different grades.


does she look like?--she is tall. 她长什么样?

do your parents look like? 你父母长什么样?

color is this pair of gloves?--it’s yellow. 这一副手套是什么颜色?

color are the pants?--they are yellow. 这双手套是什么颜色?

is in a black shirt./he is in black. 他穿着一件黑色衬衫。/他身着黑色。

give the letter to maria.=please give maria the letter.请把这封信给玛利亚。

looks like his father. 他长得像他的爸爸。

and his father look the same. 他和他的爸爸看起来一样。

cap is it?=whose is this cap? 这是谁的帽子?/这个帽子是谁的?

caps are these?=whose are these caps? 这些是谁的帽子?

this eraser yours?=is this your eraser? 这是你的橡皮擦吗?

these knives theirs?=are these their knives? 这些小刀是他们的吗?

20. we look the same, but we are in different clothes.



u4重点句型。can i do for you?我能为你做些什么吗?i help you?我能帮助你吗?want to buy some clothes for my daughter.我想要给我的女儿买一些衣服。at all.不用谢。没关系。i try on this coat please?ca...


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