Book 1U2重点词汇讲解

发布 2021-05-23 15:34:28 阅读 2977

u2 重点词汇讲解。

1) i can’t wait to tell them the good news!


can hardly wait to do something

1) i can hardly wait to see the movie. 我迫不及待的想看到这部电影。

2. be supposed to do something 应该做……,被期待做……:

1) you are supposed to be here by eight.你应该在八点到这儿。

2) everyone is supposed to bring a dish to the party.


3. charge

in charge (of something) 主管、掌管

the position of h**ing control or responsibility for a group of people or an activity:

1) he asked to speak to the person in charge.他要求与负责人谈话。

2) tom is in charge of the marketing department. 汤姆主管市场部。

take charge of 主管、掌管。

1) jerry came in and soon took charge of the situation. 杰瑞来了后很快掌握了局面。

in/under somebody's charge 被照管,受照料。

if someone or something is in your charge, you are responsible for looking after them:

1) i’ll put the office in your charge when i’m away.


4. go联系动词。

1) to be in a bad state or condition:

1) he went crazy at the news.这个消息让他发疯。

2) the milk has gone sour.牛奶变酸了。

2) go +带否定前缀的过去分词:

1) all the emails went unanswered.所有的电子邮件都没有回音。

2) their hard work went unseen.他们的努力没人看见。

5. feel like

想(做)……愿意…… to want to h**e something or do something:

feel like +名词 / doing:

1) i feel like a cup of tea now. 我现在想要一杯茶。

2) i feel like going to bed. i’m tired. 我想睡觉了。我累了。


1) this material feels like silk.这种材料摸起来像丝绸。

6. insist动词“坚持”

1) insist on + 名词。

1) i insist on an early reply.我坚持要求早日回复。

2) insist on + doing

1) he insists on seeing me off at the airport. 他坚持要去机场为我送行。

3) insist + that-从句。

insist表示“坚决主张……”that-从句中动词用 (should) do:

1) he insisted that she (should) come.



1) mike insisted that he was right.迈克坚持说他是对的。

7. allow 动词“允许、准许”to let someone do or h**e something, or let something happen:

1) allow somebody to do something:

1) his parents don’t allow him to stay out late. 他的父母不允许他在外面待的太晚。

2) allow somebody something

1) we allow passengers one piece of luggage each. 我们允许每位乘客携带一件行李。

(3) allow doing:

1) we do not allow eating in the classroom.我们不允许在教室里吃东西。

8. suggest动词

suggest表“建议”,to tell somebody your ideas about what they should do…

1)suggest + 名词。

1) he suggested a better idea for the work.他对工作提出了更好的建议。

2) suggest + doing

1) jenny suggested doing it in another way 珍妮建议用另一种方法做这件事。

3) suggest + that-从句 ,that-从句中动词用 (should) do:

1) the doctor suggested that he (should) stay in bed for another day or two.


* suggest表示“暗示”, to indicate, to make someone think that a particular thing is true:

1) suggest + 名词。

1) his pale face suggested bad health.


2) suggest + that-从句,that-从句不用虚拟语气:

1) are you suggesting i’m telling a lie?


suggest → suggestion 名词。

9. forbid动词。

禁止 to tell someone that they are not allowed to do something, or that something is not allowed:

过去式 forbade 过去分词 forbidden 现在分词 forbidding

1) forbid somebody to do something

1) father forbade them to mention the topic again.


2) forbid somebody from doing something

1) father forbade them from mentioning the topic again.


forbid → forbidden形容词。

the forbidden books **。

the forbidden fruit 禁果。

the forbidden city 紫禁城。

重点句型 you h**e to turn up(调大)your music so loud? 你是不是非得把**放这么大声?

can’t wait to surprise the boys. 我迫不及待地要给儿子们一个惊喜。

3eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog.埃里克随后跑进起居室,跟着一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的。

4. you weren’t supposed to (本应该)come home until tomorrow. 你们应该明天才到家的呀!

5. the money for dog food is gone. 买狗食的钱不见了。


u1 重点词汇讲解。 1 search搜索,搜寻,搜查 search sb.搜 某人的 身 search somewhere 在某处搜查。search somewhere for sth.在某处搜寻某物 search for sth.搜寻 寻找某物。1 they sea...


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一 单词 记录打嗝打喷嚏。国家的,民族的演出v.成绩,成就成为,变为钢琴手。二 词组参加。主修,专研单打比赛赢得金牌取得成就打破世界记录保持世界纪录表演京剧。三 句子。小提琴手杰出的不寻常的有创造力的有天赋的众所周知的著名的孙子,外孙。出生,出世观光。活着的,在世的亚洲大学哼唱运动员奖牌。变得出名乒...