
发布 2021-05-23 15:36:28 阅读 2688

5bunit 2 a telephone call

一、 词汇结构。

a toothache 牙疼 an earache 耳朵疼 a backache 背疼 a headache 头痛。

a stomach ache 胃疼 a fever 发烧 (a high fever) a cold 感冒(a bad cold) a cough 咳嗽。

what’s wrong with you? 你怎么了? →what’s wrong with him? 他怎么了?

i’ve got a headache. 我头疼。 he’s got a headache. 他头疼。

i’m sorry to hear that. 听见这些我真遗憾。

what’s wrong with you? =what’s the matter with you?

i’ve got = i h**e got he’s got = he has got

how do you feel now? 你现在觉得怎么样?

i feel thirsty我觉得渴。

i can get some water for you. 我可以给你弄些水喝。

i feel + 形容词 feel tired ( hot hungry cold bored ill)

a telephone call 一次**通话。

at school 在学校take some medicine 吃些药。

call her 打**给她(宾格) classes are over 课全部结束了(school is over)

after lunch 午饭后get some fruit for you. 给你带些水果 (get you some fruit)

speak to helen 和海伦通话 see you soon 呆会儿见。

be absent 缺席anything else? 还有别的什么吗?(根据场合翻译意思)

stay in bed 呆在床上open your mouth 张开你的嘴巴。

a bad cough 咳嗽地很厉害 h**e a lot of rest 好好地休息,多休息(充分休息)

high fever 发高烧wrong number 打错**(号码)

choose one to call 选一个打** get better soon 尽快好起来(好转)

feel better 感觉好多了go to see a doctor 去看医生。

want my mother 想要母亲 say‘ah’ 说啊。

二、 部分语言要点札记。

1. **用语

who’s that speaking? 请问你是谁?

is that helen你是海伦吗?

may i speak to helen? 我可以和海伦通话吗?

this is helen. /this is helen speaking. 我是海伦。

2. su yang calls her after lunch. 苏阳午饭后给她打**。


2. absent 缺席 → be absent → be absent from school / work

why are you absent today? 你今天为什么缺席(不在)?many students are absent today. 许多学生今天缺席了。

相关词汇 late → be late the boy is late for school. 这个男孩上学迟到了。

don’t be late for school again 不要再迟到了。

3. i’m sorry to hear that. 我听见这些很遗憾。

i’m glad to hear that. 我听见这些很高兴。

4. get better soon 尽快好转

5. get some fruit for you = get you some fruit get sth. for sb. =get sb. sth.

6. still 仍然,还 i still feel ill. 我还是觉得病着。

is that boy still in the classroom?

her brother is 15, but he is still short.


1.convert v.使转变,使。改变信仰,倒置 同 change,transform 例句 coal can be converted to gas.煤可以转化成煤气。my mother has converted to buddhism.我母亲已转而信仰佛教。派生 conversion n.转...


v.减少 减损 to 与 相反。adj.双栖 慢性的 长期的 一贯的 adj.只 仅仅的。vt.双栖 递送,发言 讲授 分娩 接生 n.医生,内科医生 adj.遗传的 基因的 n.遗传,遗产 vt.遗传,继承 n.倾向 趋势。to 倾向于 易于 的。to 易受 影响的,对 易感的 vt.保持 保养,...


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