人教版九年级英语Unit2重点单词 短语及句子专练

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unit 2重点单词、短语及句子专练。


1. from this point on, the girl became the __女神)of silk in chinese mythology(神话).

2. john a___his father very much because he is a successful businessman.

3. the thief sfood from the supermarket and was caught by the policemen.

4. tina found her friends didn’t like f___music.

5. there are a lot of flowers in the gthe boy waters them every morning.

6. mobile phones also __传播) useful information.

7. it will惩罚) us if we break the law.

8. the olympic torch is a __象征) of peace, light and friendship.

9. for people many other countries, english is often necessary for __商业), education and other activities

10. it took me two weeks to finish reading the n __written by guo jingming.


1. -would you like somedessert)now, miss?

yes, i like chocolate and ice cream.

2. do you plan __visit) your grandparents this weekend?

3who) wins will get a prize.

4. at least three were __shoot) dead.

5. —how___interest) the storybook is!

yes. i h**e read it twice.


1. at first, the father refused __the boy any money because he thought the boy would buy something of no use.

a. give b. to give

c. giving d. g**e

2. the solider __the plane and jumped happily.

a. hurried up b. wrote down

c. die down d. shot down

3. it’s reported(据报道) that the famous singer arrived in heze __june 27 th, 2019 .

a. in b. on c. at d. during

4. he studied hardhe passed the english exam.

a. such as b. as well as

c. as a result d. as long as

5. yao ming is___famous___all the basketball fans in china know him.

a. enough; to b. as; as

c. so; that d. too; to

6. —look! how___the boys are!

yes. they won the game this afternoon.

a. exciting b. excitement

c. excite d. excited

7. i forget to take my umbrella. may i __the umbrella with you?

a. progress b. collect c. introduce d. share

8. the boys and girls stood together and __their teacher dance.

a. watched b. looked at

c. looked for d. saw

9. water park is a good place __

a. to h**e fun b. h**e fun

c. h**ing fun d. to h**e a fun

10. he turned on the tap and __the soil of the bag.

a. cheered up b. set up

c. washed away d. took away

11. my brother’s problem __yours, so you can talk with him.

a. is different from b. is different to

c. is similar in d. is similar to

12. in china, july is __month of the year, between june and august.

a. hot b. hotter c. the hottest d. hottest

13. -i want to join the school sports meeting next week.

a. h**e a good time! b. glad to see you again.

c. best wishes! d. good luck.


a1. —excuse me ,i’ve got lost here. could you help me?

sorry. i’m a __here myself.

2. sheep eat about 30 a day.

3. —h**e you ever tried chinesediana?

no, never.

4. after his parents dies, he had to live with another

5. alice is fun __the cartoon movie.

b6. the policeman warns the people not __on this street.

7. some people won’t realize the __of their health until they h**e lost it.

8. the old woman was found __on the eve of a cold morning.

9. —what makes mr zhang __so angry?

his son didn’t pass the exam.

10. scientists h**e found that female pandas give __only every 28 months.

11. susan felt the __of his arms around her.


1. 因为雾霾,上个月他不经常外出吃饭。

he didn’t oftenbecause of smog.

2. 假期你打算做什么?

what will do

3. 不健康的饮食习惯使他的体重增加了许多。

unhealthy eating habits makes hea lot.

4. 这个贫困的家庭每天两餐。

the poor family eat

5. 这是收获的季节,农民非常忙。

this isharvest. the farmers are very busy.

6. 你可以帮我把这些书陈列在架子上吗?

can you help methe books on the shelf?

7. 我想知道地球上有多少种动物。

i want to know how many kinds of animals

8. 他想呼喊,但是最终没有张开口。

he wanted tobut he didn’t open up his mouth at last.

9. 奥巴马不久在亚洲开完了会议又返回美国。

obama 've justcome back from important meetings in asia.


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v.减少 减损 to 与 相反。adj.双栖 慢性的 长期的 一贯的 adj.只 仅仅的。vt.双栖 递送,发言 讲授 分娩 接生 n.医生,内科医生 adj.遗传的 基因的 n.遗传,遗产 vt.遗传,继承 n.倾向 趋势。to 倾向于 易于 的。to 易受 影响的,对 易感的 vt.保持 保养,...