
发布 2022-10-23 05:18:28 阅读 6848

unit 2 单词过关测试。

1. 向上2. 穿衣服,连衣裙3. 刷,刷子。

4. 牙齿复数5. 淋浴器。

6. 通常地7. 四十8. 从不。

9. 早的10. 五十11. 工作,职业___

12. 电台,车站13. …点钟,表示整点。

14. 晚上,夜晚15. 滑稽好笑的。

16. 锻炼,练习17. 最好的。

18. 组,群19. 一半,半数20. 过去的。

21. 一刻钟22. 家庭作业23. 跑 __

24. 打扫25. 步行26. 很快地。

27. 或者,也___28. 大量,许多___29. 有时。

30. 品尝31. 生命32. 里克 (男名。

33. 吉姆(男名34. 斯科特(男名。

35. 托尼(男名。

短语。36.起床,站起37. 穿上衣服。

38. 洗淋浴39. 广播电台。

40. 在周末41. 做作业。

42. 散步,走一走43. 要么…要么。

44. 大量,许多45. 去上学。

46. 回家47. **睡觉。


49. 我通常6点半起床。

50. 斯科特什么时候去上班。

51. 他总在 7点去上班,他从不迟到。

52. 我不喜欢起早。

53. 我没有太多时间吃早饭,所以我通常吃的很快。

54. 放学后,我有时打半小时的篮球。

55. 当我到家时,我总是先做家庭作业。

56. 在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电子游戏。

57. 玛丽总是在晚饭后吃冰淇淋。

58. 她知道这对她不好,但它尝起来很好吃。

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hi, peter,

how are you? nothing much is new with me . every day i get up at 6:

00 and run. then i take a shower and eat breakfast at 7:00.

i go to school at 7:30 and school starts at 8:00 we h**e a short break (休息) in the morning, and then lunch is at 12:

00. school ends at 3:00 i h**e violin lessons from 3:

20 to 5:30. i always do my homework at 6:

30 in the evening. then i listen to the radio. it’s a long day, so i go to bed early at 9:

00. write to me and tell me about your day.


ritaunit 2 书面表达范文。


hi, peter,

how are you? nothing much is new with me . every day i get up at 6:

00 and run. then i take a shower and eat breakfast at 7:00.

i go to school at 7:30 and school starts at 8:00 we h**e a short break (休息) in the morning, and then lunch is at 12:

00. school ends at 3:00 i h**e violin lessons from 3:

20 to 5:30. i always do my homework at 6:

30 in the evening. then i listen to the radio. it’s a long day, so i go to bed early at 9:

00. write to me and tell me about your day.


ritadear rita,

thank you for your letter. let me tell you something about my life at school. i get up at 7:

00 every morning. then i eat breakfast at 7:15.

i usually le**e离开 my house at 7:45 and arrive到达 at school 10 minutes later. my classes begin at 8:

00 in the morning and finish at 5:00 in the afternoon. i h**e lunch at 12:

10 at school, and then i take a rest 休息一下 for half an hour at noon. after school, at about 5:30, i often do sports.

i like playing ball games with my friends. i usually get home at 6:40 and h**e dinner with my family at about 7:

30. after dinner, i do my homework. i never watch tv on school nights.

at 9:30, i take a shower and then go to bed.


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