
发布 2021-05-23 22:28:28 阅读 7217

词汇。1. could you叠) the clothes for me?

2. tom扔) his book out of the window.3. what did you借) from mary?

4. he hurt his手指) by accident yesterday.5.

i saw my friend when i经过) by the park.6. don’t浪费) water.

s**e it.

7. it’s不公平)to ask him to stand here.

8. an apple落下) from the tree and hit the boy on the head.9.

this is the结果) of the survey.10. the boy has great独立性).

11. you shouldn’t __争吵) with your mother.

12. my mother doesn’t允许) me to go out alone at night.13.

what’s the关系) between the two girls?14. they were焦虑的) at the bad news.

15. my parents don’t want me解释)the mistake.16.

we find it difficultto竞争) with my classmates.17. he always对比) myself with other girls.

18. he is always推动) his children very hard.

19. the压力)of the city life made them move to the country.20.

what’s your看法)about the idea?21. the rainstorm突然)came at that time.

22. there’s an闹钟) on the table.23.

i can smell a奇怪的) taste.

24. they need some木头) to build a house.25.

can you close the窗户) when you le**e?26. when did the movie开始)?

27. the sweater适合,合身)me.

28. they got some棍子)to make a fire.29. he was出生)in jiangxi.

30. you should隐藏)the medicine away from children.31.

the cloth is made of丝绸).32. the man is the lady’s丈夫)

33. he stayed at home alone the整个)day.34.

the boy is so勇敢) that he s**e the child.35. today the sun is照耀) brightly.

36. even more serious difficulties包括)he**y storms and bad conditions.37.

the精神)of lei feng encourages many young people.38. china has larger人口) than any other country.

is an古老的)story, and it’s very educational and interesting.40. climbing mountains is a危险的)sports.


1. he always hatesdo) chores.

2. we needshare) the housework.3.

could you get somethingdrink).4. i finishedread) the book last night.

5. he triedwork) hard to catch up with others.

6. there’s no need for themfinish) the work right now.7. do you mindlend) me some money?

8. everyone should take part inkeep) it clean and tidy.9.

parents should teach their kidslook) after themselves.10. they don’t h**e timestudy) and do homework.

11. it’s like a big cloudhang) over our house.12.

it’s normalh**e) these feelings.

13. if you h**e problems,i’ll offerhelp you.14.

i don’t mindwatch tv) all the time.15. he alwayscopy) my homework.

16. we should learnrelax) ourselves.

17. kids should h**e timethink) for themselves.18. i want to besuccess).

19. it’s good for themstart) learning from a young age.19.

tom is atype) teenager.20. how many __match)do you need?

21. he stayed up last night, so he feltsleep) now.22.

herise) to welcome me when i arrived.23. the rain was beating everything __he**y).

24. while heplay) the piano, his father was waiting for him.25.

everyone wassilence) in the reading room.26. what were you doing while your mothercook)?

27. the bike hasmean) to the boy.

28. she was soscare) that she couldn’t say anything.29.

do you know thetrue) of the accident?30. the old man g**e upsmoke) in the end.

31. neither of yoube) wrong.

32. that’s better and faster thanmove) a mountain.33.

they are playing games instead ofdo) homework.34. a god sent other godstake) the mountains away.

35. the road leads uswalk) to the top.

36. although he was tired, he keptpractice) playing the piano.37.

is she serious enoughfinish) the work?

38. when he was walking in the forest, he gotlose).39. let’seat) dinner together.

40. what’s thehigh) mountain in china?

41. a lot oftour) come to visit the great wall every year.42.

h**e you ever been to thesouthwest) part of china?43. tomsucceed) in finishing the task in the end.

44. you must be in the face offreeze) weather in heilongjiang in winter.45.

they areplan) to do something to s**e the earth.根据汉语完成句子。


if we don’twe will be late.

2、我们可以用你的电脑吗?__i __your computer?3、一些学生经常不告诉父母在外待到很晚。

some students oftenwithout telling their parents.4、我不喜欢洗餐具。i don’t like to

5、他一直独立完成作业。he finishes his homework alone6、为了取得好成绩,他不得不努力学习。

get good grades, he has to study hard.7、对于孩子们来说,没有必要做太多的功课。

for childrento do too much schoolwork.8、汤姆的爸爸经常让他帮忙做家务。

tom’s father often __himchores.



during the first year, ihow to face the life at college.11、我把作业忘在家里了。i __my homework12、这个女孩害怕在众人面前说话。

the girlin front of people.

13、不要和你的父母吵架your parents.

14、她总是借我的东西不还。she always borrow my thingsthem.15、为什么不坐下来和你的父母沟通一下呢?

why don’t you sit down andyour parents?16、我不想要太多的来自父母的压力。i don’t wantfrom parents.


you shouldn’tlate outside.

18、对于这个问题你有什么看法?what’s yourthe problem?19、我不喜欢父母拿我跟别的孩子对比。

i don’t like my parents to __me __other children.20、太多的作业不利于孩子的发展。

too much homework isn’t good for a21、当暴风雨突然来的时候你在干什么?

what __you __when thecame?22、今天早晨我起床晚了,因为闹钟没响。

i got up late this morning because my23、当我等公共汽车的时候,开始下大雨了。

___i was waiting for the bus, it24、因为他很累,所以很快睡着了。

hesoon because he was tired.25、当雨逐渐减弱的时候,我们又继续工作了。when the rainthey went on working.


you __when you __the event?27、他非常累,以至于今天再次起床很困难。

he was __tired __he had troubleup this morning.

28、并非所有的学生都喜欢英语like english.

29、没有人知道未来会发生什么事。no one knowsin the future年9月11日对大多数美国人有重要意义。

september 11, 2001most american.31、把屋子弄干净后,妈妈继续为我们做饭。

after __the room, my motherfor us.

32、她被电影深深打动,以至于哭了。sheby the movie that she cried.33、他们在唱歌而不是做作业。

they are singingtheir homework.34、一天,岩石破开并生出一只猴子。

one day, the rockanda monkey.35、小孩子对看故事书很感兴趣。the childrenstory books.

36、在考试中不应该作弊。everyonein the test.

37、他沿途扔了一些白色的石头。he __some whitethe road.38、请尽快给我回信。

please write back to mepossible.39、学好英语能引导我们找到一份好工作。

learning english well canget a good job.40、她的丈夫自己一个人挣钱养活着整个家庭。

her __makes money alone to keep41、撒哈拉沙漠大约9,600,000平方公里大小。

the sahara is about 9,00,000kilometers42、珠穆朗玛峰比世界上其它的山脉都高。

qomolangma ismountain in the world.

43、中国拥有世界上最多的人口。china hasin the world.44、古代帝王建长城的主要原因是保护中国。

the main reason that thebuilt the great wall waschina.45、据我所知,当你靠近山顶,呼吸会非常困难。

i know, it’s very hardair as youthe top.


2013 2014学年度初三英语第一学期教学计划。一 学生基本情况分析 本届八年级学生的英语基础方面还很薄弱,经过上学期我们两位英语老师的不懈努力,学生的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性还是很强,自觉性很差。另外,学生在情感态度,学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。...


2012年8月31日我在进修学校参加了吉林省举办的初中英语新课标的培训,深感获益匪浅,眼界也开阔了不少,使我对新课标有了更深一层的认识与领会,现将个人的感想与心得从以下几个方面简单的述说如下 1.对 义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质 的理。的英语课程提出了工具性和人文性双重性质。工具...


1.what s you name?2 nice to meet you.3.i name is gina.4.1 he name is jim.5.be you mary?6.whatbe her name?7.hello ibe alan.8.here are two picture 9.is ...