
发布 2021-05-24 00:03:28 阅读 8517


1、absorb 吸收、吸引、使专心。

短语: absorb energy from the sun吸收太阳的能量;absorb attention of somebody 吸引某人的注意力; absorb whatever experience is useful to us吸收对我们有用的一切经验; be/ get absorbed in 全神贯注、专心致志;absorb from从…吸收;absorb into把…吞〔并〕入…;be absorbed by the problem全神贯注于这个问题上;be absorbed in study埋头学习;be absorbed in thoughts陷于沉思;be absorbed in (reading) a book专心读书;be absorbed with the problem全神贯注于这个问题上;

用法:①absorb的基本意思是“吸收”,可指吸收液体、气体、光、热、能等,也指吸收抽象的知识、文化、经验、教训、思想、方法等,含有“以此丰富了吸收者”之意,并暗示“吸收”的渐进性和彻底性。absorb作“吞并; 并入”解时指把一个较小的国家、团体或组织变成一个较大的国家、团体或组织的一部分,被吞并者失去了自己原有的个性或特征。

absorb作“吸收”解时主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语则是无生命的事或物;作“吞并”解时主语和宾语都是国家、团体或组织;作“使全神贯注”解时主语是人、事或物,宾语是人或人的精力、兴趣等;作“减轻…的作用”解时主要用于打击、碰撞等;作“耗费,耗去”解时主要用于大量的金钱、时间等;作“承受; 承担,对付 ”解时主要用于变化、结果、费用等。

absorb作“吸收”“吞并”“使全神贯注”解时常用于被动结构。be absorbed作“聚精会神地干某事”解时应接“in+动名词”,不能接动词不定式。

配套练习:when i came into her room, she was __in her book.

a. absorbed b. controlled c. exposed d. devoted

she was so __in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.

a. absorbed b. attracted c. drawn d. concentrated

___i entered, he was __in his book and didn’t notice me.

a. when; devoted b. while; absorbed c. when; absorbed d. while; devoted

because of the drought, the ground quickly __the little rain that fell last night.

a. absorbed b. soaked c. digested d. drained

2、familiar 熟悉的、亲近的。

短语: things familiar to somebody某人所熟悉的事物;be familiar with somebody/ something 熟知某人(事)、与某人亲密(主语是人,含主动意味);something be familiar to somebody 主语一般为物,对某人来说某物是很熟悉的(含被动意味); familiar with english通晓英语;familiar article of everyday use日常用品;familiar excuse常听到的借口;familiar expression常见说法;familiar greeting日常问候;familiar phrase习惯用语;





配套练习:the internet song is very familiar __us, so we are very familiar __its singer.

a. with; with b. to; to c. to; with d. with; to

your face seems __i’ve probably met you you somewhere.

a. familiar b. known c. similar d. alike

after that, i **oided his presence, as i felt he was becoming too __me.

a. popular with b. similar to c. known to d. familiar with

tom is a(n) _boy; he is always working or playing hard.

a. energetic b. cautious c. outgoing d. familiar

3、appetite (n)食欲、胃口、欲望、爱好;

短语:h**e a good/ poor appetite胃口好(不好);h**e an appetite for sth渴求某物; lose one’s appetite食欲减退; loss/ lack of appetite食欲不振;for sb's appetite投其所好,合某人的胃口;to sb's appetite合某人的胃口;man with a small appetite饭量小的人;appetite for对…的欲望,爱好;appetite for food食欲;appetite for knowledge求知欲;

用法:①appetite的基本意思是“欲望”,指人或动物对食物或性的欲望; 用于比喻可指“斗志”等。


appetite后接介词for,表示“对……有欲望”。如:he has an appetite for knowledge.

配套练习:the long walk g**e him a good __

a. appetite b. applause c. appliance d. application

i h**e an appetite __a lot of money to lead a cosy life.

a. for earning b. to earn c. to earning d. of earning

he has an appetite __fruits.

a. for b. with c. on d. /

don’t eat chocolate, it will spoil your __for dinner.

a. procedure b. privilege c. reward d. appetite

4、forgive 原谅、宽恕;forgiving宽宏大量的;

短语:forgive somebody for being rude 原谅某人的鲁莽;forgive somebody his debt豁免某人的债务;forgive my interrupting you = forgive me for interrupting you原谅我打搅了你;forgive me for what i said原谅我说过的话;forgive sb for a mistake原谅某人的错误;forgive sb for being rude原谅某人的鲁莽;forgive one's life丧生;forgive sb's sin饶恕某人的罪行;

用法:①forgive既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或动名词作宾语,也可接两个直接宾语,变为被动结构时应以人作主语; 用作不及物动词时,通常与介词for连用。

下面三个句子的意思是一样的:please forgive my interrupting you./please forgive me interrupting you.

/please forgive me for interrupting you.对不起,打扰了。

配套练习:i can’t forgive him for __

a. his not able to come on time b. his not being able to come on time

c. not his able to come on time d. not his being able to come on time

she __him for coming late.

a. pardoned b. excused c. forg**e d. all the above

though you are very young, sometimes you’re very __

a. forgetfully b. forgetfulness c. forgetful d. forgive

we __him his mistakes.

a. forgiving b. forg**e c. to forgive d. pardon

5、addition (n)增加、加、加法、增加物;additional adj.另外的, 附加的, 额外的;

短语:in addition另外;in addition to除……之外,类似的:apart from; except; except for; besides;do addition做加法;make addition扩充;****** addition简单的加法;useful addition有用的添加;addition of flour加面粉;addition to对…的添加;


一 重点单词 1 enthusiasm n 热心 热情 短语 be in enthusiasm怀有热情 with enthusiasm热衷地 狂热地 arouse enthusiasm引起对某物的热情 full of enthusiasm充满热情 outburst of enthusiasm热情奔放...


一 重点单词 1 benefit利益 好处。短语 be of benefit to 对 有好处 benefit from by.从 受益,得益于 be of much,great benefit to sb.be beneficial to sb.to one s advantage对某人有益处 b...


1.personal 个人的 私人的。短语 a personal opinion个人意见 personality人格 个性 personalize使个性化 用法 personally speaking for myself only就自己而言,就个人来说,或 in person亲身 亲自地。配套练习...