
发布 2021-05-17 06:15:28 阅读 2326

a brand from the burning辛免于难的人;劫后余生。

broken spirit dries the bones.忧能伤人。

cf. care killed the cat.

cup of cold water一杯凉水(施舍的象征)。

drop in the bucket沧海一粟;九牛一毛。

fly in the ointment美中不足;使人扫兴的小事。

one’s own heart称心如意;正中下怀。

good name is better than riches.美名胜过财富。

grain of mustard seed一粒芥种;大有前途的微小事物。

great gulf fixed不可逾越的鸿沟;根本的分歧。

10. a house divided against itself内讧的家庭(党派、团体)。

11. a labor of love乐意做的(不记报酬的)工作。

little bird whispered to me. 有人私下里告诉我的。

little fire kindles a forest.星火燎原。

living dog is better than a dead lion.活狗胜过死狮;好死不如赖活。

flesh is grass.一切生物都是草。

is vanity.一切皆空。

who take the sword will perish by the sword.玩火者必**。

man of sorrows忧患之子(指耶苏)。

man who excels in his work工作成绩超群的人。

eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙。

gabriel 天使加百利;报喜天使。

apple of one’s eye掌上明珠。

of gold in pictures of silver锦上添花。

prophet is not without honor, s**e in his own country.墙里开花墙外香;先知不容于故里。

a man sows, so he shall reap.

reap as one has sown.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;自食其果。

bird do 像鸟儿一样过活(无虑衣食)。

for bread and be given a stone得非所求。

soft answer turns away wrath.婉言可息怒。

sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mire.狗改不了吃屎。

patient as job无止境的忍耐。

poor as job一贫如洗;家徒四壁。

proud as lucifer目空一切;狂妄自大。

snow in summer and rain in harvest 夏天落雪,收割时下雨(不合时宜)。

the sparks fly upward像自然规律那样确实无疑。

stranger in a strange land客居异乡。

you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.你们这样对待我的一个最小的兄弟,就是这样对待我了。

wise as solomon极有智慧。

thorn in the flesh眼中钉,肉中刺;烦恼的根源。

tree is known by its fruit.观其果知其树;观其行知其人。

the eleventh hour在最后的时刻;刚好来得及。

two-edged sword 双刃剑。

very present help in trouble在患难时随时的帮助。

voice crying in the wildness旷野中的呼声;无人理睬的主张;曲高和寡。

wicked man turns away from the wickedness.恶人离开所行之恶。

word in season合时。


cf. a word out of season不合时宜的话。

圣经典故 田雨三胡君倩

b 1. babylon is fallen.巴比伦倾倒了!

2. be a law to oneself随心所欲;独断独行。

3. a beam in one’s own eye自己眼中的梁木;自己严重的缺点。

4. bear/ carry/ take one’s cross 忍受苦难。

5. beat swords into plowshares偃武修文;化干戈为玉帛。

6. beat the air白费力气;劳而无功。

7. be gathered to one’s people (or fathers)见老祖宗;死。

8. be gentle to all温和待人。

9. behind/ beyond/ within the veil在死后的无知境界。

10. be made a spectacle to the world构成一台戏。

11. be not far from me.别远离我。

12. be trouble at sb’s presence在某人的面前惊慌失措。

13. better is a neighbor that is near than a brother far off.远亲不如近邻。

14. be weighed in the balance and found wanting经考验不合格。

15. bite like a serpent咬你如蛇。

16. bitter cup苦杯;苦难;痛苦的命运。

17. blessed is he who reads.读书人有富了。

18. blow/ sound one’s own horn/ trumpet自吹自擂。

19. bone of one’s bone and flesh of one’s flesh骨中骨,肉中肉;血肉相连;关系密切。

20. book of life生命册。

21. bow down in the house/ temple of rimmon违背自己的良心(或原则)做自己不原做的事;明知不对而仍为之保全面子。

22. bowels of mercy/ compassion/ pity慈悲心肠; 恻隐之心。

23. bray/ grind a fool in mortar愚蠢是治不好的。

24. break bread共餐。

25. breath of life生命;活气;须臾不可离的东西。

26. bring low使恶化/衰落。

27. bring sb’s gray hairs(with sorrows) to the gr**e使某人伤心而死。

28. broad way/ gate宽路;宽门;堕落之路。

29. bring nothing to the world and cannot take anything out生不带来,死不带去。

30. build something on the sand建筑在沙上,基础不牢。

31. buy the truth买真理。

32. by the skin of one’s teeth辛免于难;侥幸。

33. by/ in the sweat of one’s brow/ face靠自己的血汗。

圣经典故 田雨三胡君倩

c 1. call on me in the day of trouble在患难之日求告我。

2. can god furnish (or prepare, spread) a table in the wildness?上帝能在旷野摆宴席吗?

3. cannot away with不能忍受。

4. castaway被(社会)排斥的人。

5. cast one’s bread upon the waters真心行善(不望回报)。

6. cast(or throw) pearls before swine明珠暗投;对牛弹琴。

7. cast sth. behind one’s back忘掉;置之脑后。

8. cast the first stone向某人挑衅;首先进攻。

9. catch/ take by the beard毅然反对;大胆攻击;勇敢地解决。

10. change one’s skin改变本性。

11. charity is greatest.爱最伟大。

12. chastise with scorpions鞭打;严酷责罚。

13. choose that good part选择好福分。

14. h**e clean hands


15. come/ fall short of未能达到(预期);赶不上。

16. come/ bring… to light显露出来;真相大白。


a brand from the burning辛免于难的人 劫后余生。broken spirit dries the bones.忧能伤人。cf.care killed the cat.cup of cold water一杯凉水 施舍的象征 drop in the bucket沧海一粟 九牛一毛。...


abrand from the burning辛免于难的人 劫后余生。broken spirit dries the bones.忧能伤人。cf.care killed the cat.cup of cold water一杯凉水 施舍的象征 drop in the bucket沧海一粟 九牛一毛。f...


a brand from the burning辛免于难的人 劫后余生。broken spirit dries the bones.忧能伤人。cf.care killed the cat.cup of cold water一杯凉水 施舍的象征 drop in the bucket沧海一粟 九牛一毛。...