
发布 2021-05-16 23:48:28 阅读 9632


module 3 unit 1 we visited lots of places.



我说课的内容是新标准英语第五册module 3 unit 1。这是一节情景对话课,围绕“what did you do at the weekend?where did you go?

”展开。这是一节新授课,要求学生能听懂会说 the british museum, the london eye,bigben,wonderful,understand, postcard,利用what did you do at the weekend?进行询问及知道动词的过去式变化。


1. 语言知识目标:能听、说、认读本课的重点单词:

the british museum, the london eye, wheel, wonderful, understand, postcard; 能正确使用动词过去式;能利用what did you do? where did you go?询问别人过去做的事情。

2. 语言能力目标。

能根据**听、说相应的单词,能运用what did you do? where did you go ?询问过去的事情,并能利用动词过去式熟练表达过去所做的事情。

3. 情感、策略和文化目标。




step 1. warming-up(5m)

1. greetings

t: good morning, boys and girls.

ss: good morning, ms lin.

t: how are you?

ss: fine, thanks.

2. sing a song: london bridge is falling down.

3. free talk

课件呈现单词weekend, 教师问学生:

t:look at this word, please. do you understand?

ss: it’s weekend.

t: do you like weekend?

ss: yes.

t: what do you usually do at the weekend?

ss: i…

t: what did you do at the weekend?

ss: i…

引导学生用过去式回答问题。(通过问句what do you do at the weekend? what did you do at the weekend?


step 2. presentation (10 m)

1. lead-in

t: now let’s guess who it is?

s: amy.

t: you are so smart. where is amy now?

ss: she’s in london.

t: do you want to know what amy did at the weekend? let’see module 3 unit 1,try to know amy’s weekend now.

2. listen to the tape and point to the words, choose the right answer:

what did you do at the weekend? (教师板书问句,课件呈现句子,学生回答后,把正确答案贴在问句下面。第一次听录音,让学生初步感知课文及重点问句。)

a. we watched tv

b. we visited lots of places.

3. listen to the tape and read after the tape, complete the sentences:

where did you go? we went to . we visited

and .amy sent a to daming.

lingling liked best.


4. presenting the new words:

1)t : amy’s weekend is very nice. she visited lots of places.

let’s see the wonderful places.


t: now please guess the places ,you can choose the number and guess.

s1: number 1.

t: what’s this?

s1: it’s the british museum.

以同样的方式呈现 the london eye, big ben。教师领读几遍。然后请学生读课文句子:

we went to the british we visited big ben and the london eye.

1)呈现postcard, wheel,wonderful, understand

t: i h**e a postcard, my friend sent me last monday. there’s a picture on it.

please listen to me and guess what it is: (让学生根据教师的描述判断明信片中的**,学习新词 wonderful, postcard, understand,wheel。)

it’ s wonderful! 呈现单词wonderful. 教师利用句子i will go to london next year, it’s wonderful.


it’s a big wheel. 呈现单词wheel. 利用**解释wheel.

t: look, it’s a wheel, it can turn round and round. 然后问学生:

do you understand? 引出单词 understand。

t: if you understand, please nod your head, if you don’t understand, please shake your head.教师用动作示范。

t: who understand? please tell us.


step 3 . practice (15m)


然后请一个学生抽取单词,另一个学生猜测,如果不对,下面的学生大声朗读进行纠错。如果说对了,就说you’re good.


(1) we went to the british museum.

(2) and we visited big ben and the london eye.

(3) it’s a big wheel.

(4) it’s wonderful.

(5)i don’t understand.

(6)we sent you a postcard.



4. 说说自己的周末。

t: just now we talk about amy’s weekend. now let’s talk about our weekend.

who wants to show us your weekend?


1)ss: what did you do at the weekend?


3)其他学生说出表演的内容。eg: liyun went to the supermarket at the weekend.


4) step4. produce (8m)


step 5. summary(2m)

归纳总结本课所学的单词和句型what did you do at the weekend?然后课件呈现一组过去式动词,请学生进行比较、记忆。

step 从以下作业中选择一道自己喜欢的作业:

1. 听课文录音,模仿课文句子,能够熟读课文;

2. 利用今天所学的过去式动词编一段短文;


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