
发布 2021-05-08 15:13:28 阅读 4547



分值 150 时间 120分钟出卷人:林琳。





1. where are the two speakers?

a. in a department store. b. in a clothes factory. c. on a playground.

2. what time does the train le**e?

a. at 6:15b. at 6:25c. at 6:50.

3. what are the two speakers doing?

a. enjoying meeting each otherb. saying goodbye to each other.

c. planning to see each other again.

4. what’s the man doing?

a. he’s working in a hotelb. he’s visiting a young couple.

c. he’s tr**eling around.

5. when should susan go to meet professor brown?

a. at 10:00b. at 10:30c. at 11:00.


6. where does this conversation take place?

a. at a booking office. b. at a museumc. in a record store.

7. on which day will the japanese music concert be held?

a. the 28thb. the 30thc. the 15th.

8. how does the man pay for the tickets?

a. by credit cardb. with dollarsc. by cheque.


9. where is the man going?

a. bridge streetb. the cinemac. the station.

10. where is the cinema?

a. on the corner of bridge street. b. next to the station. c. on station street.

11. which turning should the woman take on bridge street?

a. the first on the right. b. the first on the leftc. the second on the left.


12. who are the speakers?

a. a man and his wife. b. a man and his sister. c. a man and his girlfriend.

13. why is the man unhappy about their weekends?

a. they seldom invite friends over. b. they seldom go out for a picnic.

c. they seldom spend the weekends together.

14. on which aspect of the picnic do the two speakers differ?

a. who should get the car ready. b. how many friends they should invite.

c. what food and drink they should prepare.


15. what is mary's plan for saturday?

a. visit her mother. b. cook dinner for tom. c. ask john and his wife to dinner.

16. what does john say to mary about the invitation?

a. he's not free. b. he'll certainly go. c. he's not sure.

17. what has john promised to do?

a. phone back with an answerb. persuade jane to join him.

c. visit mary's mother on saturday.


18. why are many roads closed in the north?

a. because of he**y rainb. because of strong winds.

c. because of fallen stones from mountains.

19. in which part of the country h**e fifty houses been flooded?

a. in the southb. in the north. c. in the east.

20. what happened in the west?

a. many boats were missingb. four people died in a river.

c. two villages were under water.



21.--you should apologize to her ,barry.

but it’s not going to be easy.

suppose feel so

c. i prefer tod. i like to

22. mr. black __shanghai in a few days. do you know when the earliest plane __on sunday?

a. le**es; takes offb. is le**ing; takes off

c. is le**ing; is taking off d. le**es; is taking off

the __speech, started to read a novel.

;boredb. tired ;bored


24. after he retired from office, rogers __painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

a. took up b. s**ed upc. kept upd. drew up

workaholic is full of every day,so he usually a lot of document home

brought backb. stress, bring back

c. stress, brings backd. stressful, brings back

26. i don't think it very expensive to buy a family computer here

- really? i'll buy___next week

a. itb. thisc. oned. mine

my homewok last night, but i h**en’t finished it yet.

done doing

can’t stand __with jane in the same office. she just refuses __talking while she works.

a working; stopping work; stopping c. working; to stop work;;to stop

police chief advised his men to keep __and not lose their tempers.

than __out, the young lady prefers __by herself.

eat;to cook eat ;cooking cooking ;to cook

31.,mary made coffee___her guests were finishing their meal.

that if

you sleep short of 7 hours, you are three times __to catch a cold.

b .33. now more and more workers __their free time trying to improve themselves

at school or college.

a. takeb. costc. spendd. pay

34. i was __excited at that moment __i didn’t know what to say.

a. such…that b. too…thatc. rather…that d. so…that

35. -do you know our town at all?

---no, thisthe first time ihere.

a. was; has comeb. is; come

c. is; had comed. is; h**e come



高一英语试卷分析2011 2012学年度第二学期。高一英语组。本次高一英语试题满分150分,试题紧扣教材,符合大纲要求,体现了课程标准的方向,题量适当,难度为中等偏难。从本校全体考生答题的情况来看。高一16个班英语平均分88.16分,最高分140分,最低分23分。这些数据表明学生基础知识参差不齐。为...


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