
发布 2021-05-05 06:38:28 阅读 2176


教学相长to teach is to learn

公事公办business is buisness

文如其人the style is the man

浑水摸鱼fish in troubled waters

欲速则不达more haste,less speed

事实胜于雄辩facts speak louder than words

失败乃成功之母failure is the mother of success

有其父必有其子like father,like son

英雄所见略同great minds think alike

祸不单行misfortunes never come alone

隔篱有眼隔墙有耳 hedges h**e eyes,walls h**e ears

谋事在人,成事在天 man proposes,god disposes

祸从口出the tongue cuts the throat

眼不见为净out of sight,out of mind

无官一身轻out of office,out of danger

时不我待岁月无情 time and tide wait for no man

家有万贯财,不如一身键 health is better than wealth

前事不忘后事之师 the remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future


班门弄斧teach fish to swim

勿打草惊蛇let sleeping dogs lie

杀鸡儆猴beat the dog before the lion

胸有成竹h**e a card up one’s sleeve

本末倒置put the cart before the horse

强中更有强中手diamond cut diamond

拿了手短吃了嘴软 gifts blind the eyes

喧宾夺主the sauce is better than the fish

无风不起浪there is no smoke without fire

新官上任三把火a new broom sweeps clean

得陇望蜀得寸进尺much will h**e more

挂羊头卖狗肉he cries wine and sells vinegar

王婆卖瓜自卖自夸 every potter praises his pot

不要恩将仇报don’t bite the hand that feeds you

天涯何处无芳草there are plenty of fish in the sea

一箭双雕kill two birds with one stone

一言既出驷马难追a word spoken is past recalling

物以类聚人以群分birds of a feather flock together

人不可貌相海水不可斗量 judge not a book by its cover

说到曹操,曹操到speak of the devil

水能载舟亦能覆舟 the same knife cuts bread and fingers

身正不怕影子斜a straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe

燕雀安知鸿鹄之志a sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan


树大招风names are debts

亡羊补牢a stitch in time s**es nine

真金不怕火炼true blue will never stain

不入虎穴,焉得虎子 nothing venture,nothing h**e

自食其果as you make the bed,so you must lie in it

大器晚成late fruit keeps well

事与愿违all your swans are geese

生命在于运动rest breeds rust

一失足成千古恨short pleasure,long lament

因小失大penny wise and pound foolish

五十步笑百步the pot calls the kettle black

天网恢恢疏而不漏 justice has long arms

心急吃不了热豆腐 a watched pot never boils

小巫见大巫the moon is not seen when the sun shines

君子之交淡如水a hedge between keeps friendship green

若要人不知除非己莫为 what is done by night appears by day

醉翁之意不在酒many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake

三个和尚无水吃everybody’s business is nobody’s business

请勿盲目乐观don’t count the chicken before they’re hatched

祸兮福所倚福兮祸所伏 misfortune might be a blessing in disguise

失之东隅收之桑榆 what we lose in hake we shall h**e in herring

留得青山在不怕没柴烧 the shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep

顺其自然随遇而安 don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you









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课程编号 03113 课程名称 英语口译任课教师 刘璐。适用专业 层次 英语专业专升本。一 课程简介。本课程是为大学高年级英语专业学生培养专题连续口译能力,了解口译相关的知识而设置的课程。通过学习本课程,学生能了解口译的基本解论,如口译简史 口译的大致分类 口译的目标 口译的过程 口译人员的基本要求...


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