
发布 2021-04-16 10:57:28 阅读 1560

2013-2023年度秋季学期期末(2014.2) 大学英语(一)






1. a: i like documentaries on tv.

bb___a. so am i

b. so do i

c. so h**e i

2. a: _b___is the nearest chemist's?

b: on the corner.

a. what

b. where

c. how

3. this radio is __a___than that one.

a. more expensive

b. very expensive

c. as expensive

4. it __c___he**ily here at this moment.

a. rain

b. rains

c. is raining

5. a: i h**e got a pain in my chest.

b: you __c___see the doctor.

a. h**e

b. need

c. should

6. i'm sorry she's not in. would you like to___c___a message?

a. keep

b. rest

c. le**e

7. he b in beijing, but his parents in hangzhou.

a. live, lives

b. lives, live

c. live, live

8. how do i __a___the gym?

a. get to

b. arrive

c. go9. she usually goes to work __b___foot.

a. byb. on

c. through

10. tim b make a cake for the party.

a. going to

b. is going to

c. are going to

11. a: the area is too noisy.

b: yes, i agree. it's __c___

a. enough quiet.

b. not enough quiet

c. not quiet enough

12. a: how about seeing a film this evening?

b: yes, _a___

a. that's a good idea

b. please

c. that's right

13. a: what do you do?

b: _ba. i am washing the dishes now

b. i am a policeman

c. i do my homework

14. i go swimming on __a___thursdays for two hours.

a. /b. a

c. an15. she has a problem __a___the flat advertisement.

a. with

b. for

c. of二、 阅读理解(共10小题,每题3分,共计30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,请答案填写在“客观题答题纸”上,否则成绩无效。

passage a

let me tell you about my new job. it's great. i work for centre company.

they h**e an office in london. i am the deputy marketing manager. i am in charge of news***** advertisements.

i like working here, but i don't like tr**eling by tube. it's too busy! there are some very nice colleagues, and i often eat lunch with them in the canteen.

we start work at nine o'clock. lunch is from one o'clock to two o'clock. then i finish work at 6 o'clock.

my brother works near my office. he is in insurance, and sometimes we h**e a drink in the pub in the evening.

16. the writer __b___new job.

a. doesn't like his

b. likes his

c. is looking for a

17. the writer works in __b___

a. insurance

b. marketing

c. computers

18. the writer thinks the tube is too___c___

a. noisy

b. slow

c. busy

19. the writer works for about __a___on weekdays.

a. 8 hours

b. 9 hours

c. 10 hours

writer and his brother __a

a. sometimes see each other

b. never see each other

c. see each other every day

passage b

tom: can i park in the staff car park?

d**id: no, i'm afraid you can't. only managers can park there.

you can park behind the building.

tom: okay. when can i h**e lunch?

d**id: you can't go before 12:30 because we are very busy, but after 1:

00 o'clock you can go when you like. you can eat and drink in the office, but you can't smoke here. everyone goes to the coffee lounge, because they can smoke there.

tom: can i use the phone?

d**id: yes, but you can't phone abroad.

21. why can't tom park in the staff car park?b

a. because he does not work here.

b. because he is not a manager.

c. because he is a new comer.

22. which of the following is true?a

a. tom can park his car behind the building.

b. tom can use the manager's car.

c. d**id can help tom to park his car in the staff car park.

23. when can tom go to h**e his lunch?c

24. a. before 12:30.

b. after 12:30.

c. after 1:00.

24. what can tom do in the office?a

a. eat and drink.

b. smoke.

c. phone abroad.

25. where can everyone go to smoke?b

a. in the car park.

b. in the coffee lounge.

c. in the café near the office building.


26. a: what does he look like他长什么样儿?)

b:he's very tall with blue eyes and short beard.

27. a: what's the matter?

bi feel sick我感觉不舒服). i've got a toothache.


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remember doing remember sb.to do remember sb.doing remember sb to do sth提醒某人做某事 remember sb doing sth记得某人做过某事。倘若,以 为条件。1.i will go,provided that you g...


引导语 大学水平的提高不是一朝一夕就能完成的,听力训练有一定的方法和技巧。同时它也是一个循序渐进的过程。在这过程中,不断的总结自己的,才能使自身的听力水平获得真正的提高,适应社会的开展要求。一 英语 精听 的策略和方法。精听 主要是指按听力模式或课本中听力课模式进展的一种听的活动。它可以帮助学生熟悉...