
发布 2021-03-01 00:26:28 阅读 3611


book 1 useful expressions in english language teaching

一、 课堂用语1、classroom english

a、 一般课堂用语 a)expressions often used

1、 起立! up!

坐下! sit down!

早上好! good morning!

2、 现在开始吧。 let’s begin ./let’s go.

3、 打开书。 your books.

请打开书,翻到第3页。 open your books at page 3.

翻到第5页。 turn to page5.

翻到下一页。 turn to the next page. /over.

现在翻回第3页。 now turn back to page 3.

别说话了。 talking , please.

请安静。 silence, please. /be quite.

4、 注意了。

请注意听。 listen carefully. /let’s h**e your attention. /attention, please.

5、 请跟着我念 repeat after me.

read after me.

6、 请看书。 at your books.

请看黑板。 look at the blackboard.

7、 明白了吗? that clear?

懂了吗? do you understand?

8、 请念生词。 the new words.

请读课文。 read the text.

10、念慢些。 slowly.

念清楚些。 read clearly.

大声点。 louder, please. /speak louder. /speak up.

11、现在做句型练习。 let’s do pattern drills.

现在做替换词练习。let’s do substitution drills.

12、我们现在来做问答练习。 h**e questions and answers.

请回答问题answer my questions.

13、行。/对。 right./ that’s right./ that’s correct./ that’s it.

好!/对! good!

很好! very good! well done!

14、这是什么意思? does it mean?

“on account of”这个 what’s the chinese for “on

短语是怎么说account of”?

四个现代化”英语怎 what’s the english for “四个。


15、请看图说话。 at the picture and say something about it./

now let’s talk about the pictue.

16、用英语说吧。 it in english.

请用英语回答。 answer in english.

译成英语。 put it into english.

17、谁来回答这人问题? will answer this question?


18、你来试试好吗? you try?

你来试试吧suppose you try.

试试看吧just try.

再试一试try again.

你要是认真想一想准能 i’m sure you can answer this question well,

答好这个问题if you think hard.

19、到黑板跟前来。 to the blackboard.

回到你坐位去吧。 go back to your seat.

20、你能指出哪儿有错吗? you point out any this takes?

21、同学们,有什么错吗? wrong here, comrades?

有什么意见吗? any comments?

还有错吗any more mistakes?

22、准备听写 ready for dictation.

现在听写now let’s h**e dictation.

23、我再念一下,你们 i’ll read once more,可以再检查一下。 and you check your work.

24、把笔放下 down your pens.

25、同坐的同学互换本子, your exercise books with your neighbour and

互相改一改correct each other’s mistakes.

26、把本子交上来。 in your exercise books.

把本子传到前边来。 pass your exercise books to the front.

27、这次的作业是背诵 27、for your homework learn the text

课文,做练习二。 by hearand do exercise 2.

28、今天课就上到这儿。 for today.

so much for today.

let’s stop here.

29、现在休息一会儿。 h**e a tweak.

30、下课30. class is over.

time is out.

goodbye./bye./see you next class/time/tomorrow.

there’s the bell./the bell has rung.

b.课前 b) before class

1、打铃(钟)了。 goes the bell.

铃打过了the bell’s rung.

2、打铃了吗 the bell rung?

是打铃吗is that the bell?

3、是打预备铃还是上课铃? that the first bell or the second bell?

4、打过预备铃了。 first bell has rung.

就要上课了,快点! it is nearly time for class. hurry up!

5、还有几分钟 many minutes are there to go?

还有五分钟there are still five minutes to go.

还有五分钟就要打铃了。 the bell will five minutes to go.

6、马上就要打铃了。 bell will ring in no time (in a minute).

你得赶快you’d better hurry. /you’d better get a move on.

快点,铃响了quick! the bell is ringing.

快点,要不就迟到了。 hurry up, or you’ll be late.

7、正打铃呢,我刚好赶上。 goes the bell. i’m just in time.

8、准备上课 get everything ready for class.

准备好了吗are you ready to begin?

9、请安静,马上就要 please. class will soon begin.

上课了。c.课内 c) during class

1、都到齐了吗 everybody here?

你们都来了吗are you all here?/ are you all present?

2、都到齐了 is here./ we are all here.


开课 beginning a class hi,boys and girls.let s begin our class.我们开始上课吧。good morning good afternoon,class.同学们早上 下午好。stand up.请起立 sit down.请坐下 today we ar...

中学英语教学口语400句 课堂教学常用语

jiayin middle school harry yu hongping 第二期tuesday,december 01,2009 63.and you ought to hand in the homework in time.大家要及时上交作业。64.let s take a break,se...

