
发布 2021-03-01 00:21:28 阅读 5983

开课 (beginning a class)

hi, boys and girls. let’s begin our class. (我们开始上课吧。)

good morning /good afternoon,class. .同学们早上/下午好。)

stand up.请起立/sit down. (请坐下)

today we are going to learn lesson one. (今天我们将要学习第一课。)

自由谈论 (free talk)

who‘s on duty today? (今天谁值日?)

what day is it today? (今天星期几?)

what‘s the date today? (今天几号?)

what‘s the weather like today? (今天天气怎么样)/what’s it like outside?

is everyone here?/who is away?

try to be on time./go back to your seat, please.

热身 (warming-up)

let’s sing a song (我们来唱一首歌曲吧!/ let’s do(我们来做一做吧!)/let’s chant

are you ready? (准备好了吗?)

reviewing the lesson 复习功课。

let’s review (our lessons). 让我们开始复习。

what did we learn /talk about last lesson/time? 上一课我们学/讨论了什么?

who can tell me what we learnt today? 谁能告诉我,今天我们都学了些什么?/what did you learn today?

提起注意(directing attention)

ready?/are you ready?

do you understand?/is that clear?/do you know what to do?

any volunteers?

be quiet,please.

listen (carefully),please.

listen to the tape recorder.

look carefully,please./look over here.

watch carefully./are your watching?

pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.

let’s learn something new.

please look at the black-board/picture/map… (请看这张**。)

this is a …(girl). 这是一个女孩。)

follow me, please. (跟我读。)

again!/ once more. (再来一遍。)

操练 (practise)

组织。start!/start now.

all together. (全班一起来。)

practise in pairs/ in groups .(两人一组/小组操练。)

boys go! /girls go! (男生开始。/女生开始)

let‘s do it one by one.(请一个接一个的操练。)

now you, please./ your turn.(请你来。/ 轮到你了。)

next,please./now you do the same,please.

stop here. (在这停下来!)

whose turn is it?/it’s your turn.

stand inline./line up./ turn around.

展示。let‘s act./let’s act out/do the dialogue(让我们来表演。)

get into groups of three/four…

practise the dialogue,please.

who wants to be a? (谁想扮演角色a。)

now tom will be a, and the other half will be b.(tom 来扮演a,另外一个同学扮演b.)

please take(play)the part of…

对话。let’s listen to a dialogue. (我们来听一段对话。)

please answer my questions. (请回答我的问题。)


could you please try it again?

could you please try the next one?

will you please help me?


can you try?/try your best./do your best.

think it over and try again.

don’t be afraid/shy.

指令(issuing a command)

say/read after me/ repeat after me,please.

follow me,please.

do what i do.

once more,please./one more time,please.

come here,please.

please come to the front./come up and write on the blackboard/chalkboard.

come and write it on the blackboard.

put your hand up,please.

hands down,please.

say it/write it )in chinese/english.

please take out your books.

please turn to page…

please answer the question/questions.

please read this letter/word/sentence out loud.

clean up your desk/the classroom,please.

put your things away./clean off your desk./pick up the scraps·

clean the blackboard.

plug in the tape-recorder,please.

put the tape-recorder away.

put the tap,in it’s box/cassette.

listen and repeat./look and listen./follow the words.

be quick/hurry up,please.

slowly./slow down,please.

bring me some chalk,please.

禁止和警告(prohibition and warning)

stop talking/don’t talk./everybody quiet,please.

don’t be silly.

settle down.

评价。good,thank you.

good/very good./god job./good work./good example/ excellent/great!/well done

a good answer./nice work.

that’s interesting!

don’t worry about it./no problem.

ok!/that’s ok.

i don’t think so.

that’s not quite right,any other answers?/that’s close/that’s almost right.

not quite,can anyone help him/her?/try again.

a good try.

that’s much better. (好多了)

布置作业(setting homework)

practise after class.

say it out loud,before you write it down.

copy each word twice.

remember these words/sentences.

learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart.

do your homework./do the next lesson./do the new work.

for today‘s homework, do exercises iii and iv on page 6. (课外作业:做第六页上的练习三和练习四。 )

下课(dismissing the class)

hand in your workbooks,please.

time is up.

let’s stop here.

that’s all for today.

class is over.

good bye./bye./see you next time.


第一部教学用语。book 1 useful expressions in english language teaching 一 课堂用语1 classroom english a 一般课堂用语 a expressions often used 1 起立!up 坐下!sit down 早上好!goo...

中学英语教学口语400句 课堂教学常用语

jiayin middle school harry yu hongping 第二期tuesday,december 01,2009 63.and you ought to hand in the homework in time.大家要及时上交作业。64.let s take a break,se...

