
发布 2021-02-28 23:51:28 阅读 4743

题目】what colour is it?teaching aims and demands:

1learn some words about colours.2learn question with “what”.teaching procedure:

step 1 greetings

t: good afternoon, boys and girls!ss: good afternoon, how are you?

ss: i’m fine, thank you,and you?

t: i’m fine, too. what’s the weather like today?ss: it’s sunny.

t: very down, please!

设计意图:以学生耳熟能详的英语问候语“ good afternoon.” how are you?”以及天气等引入课堂,吸引学生的注意力】

step 2 new words and expressions

andhelpeachother, the teacher checks and helps. now call a student to read them , the others listen andcheck..

s1:(reads the new words and expressions)

the teacher teaches the new words and expressions, then the students read them andcheck each other.

设计意图:前置自学单词,由学生自已拼读——互相检查帮助——教师检查辅导等方式方法改变原来单一的教师教学生跟着读,容易激发学生的积极性,且掌握得更好。真正地体现学生的自学互助与老师的导学】step 3 presentation

t:please look at my colour is it?ss: it iswhite.

t: very what colour is the moniter’s dress?ss:it is black.

t: what colour are these desks in our classroom?ss: they are red.

t: excellent! all of you h**e a good a picture tothe students

t: look at this all of you make dialogues“what colour is(are)…?it’s(theyare)…?

with your partners, then act in the front of the classroom.

设计意图:教师抓住现场的教学资源,从教师自身穿的dress入手,问“ what colouris my dress?”然后分组展示学生的衣服,最后到课桌,从教师到学生再到物体,充分利用了现场的教学元素。

】call some groups to act out their in pairs.

sa:(point to the picture)this girl is beautiful. what colour is her hair?

sb:it’s brown.

sa:what colour is her coat?sb:it’s yellow

sa:what colour are her eyes?sb:they are blue.

sa:what colour are her shoes?sb:they are purple.……


t: very good,li chong! come here.

you’re the little teacher. read “brown”, please!li chong:

(point to the brown) one two begin, brown, after li chong)brown,brown.

t: thank you! who’d like to be the little teacher?

would you liketo h**e a try?(some students hands up.) hu lingli, please.


】step 4 improvement

show a green and black butterfly(picture).t:look at the this?ss:a butterfly.

t: yes, it’s a butterfly. please repeat, a lovely butterfly, a little what colour is this butterfly?

pleasehands up and answer it’s green and black.

t: excellent. you will be the little teacher, come to the one two, begin!

it’s green and (read aloud after hewei) it’s green and black.

t: (show a pink and blue butterfly)what colour is this one? a pink and blue butterfly.

t: very good! thank you.

you will be the little teacher. come here!lili:

one two, begin! it’s a pink and (read after lili.) it’s a pink and blue.


课堂向深度,高度发展。】step 5 practice (prepare for some two colour's balls)

t: let’s play a game. who wants to be my partner?s1: let me h**e a try.

t: (throw a ball to s1) what colour is it?s1: it’s pink and blue.

t: very good! i want two other pairs of students to do the game (throw a ball to s3)what colour is it?

s3: it’s orange and black.

s4: (throw a ball to s5)what colour is it?s5: it’s brown and yellow.

teacher asks two more pairs to act out their dialogues.)


step 6 magic (prepare for some colour oil pastel)

t: look, what colour is it?ss: it’s blue.

t: look, what colour is it?ss: it’s yellow.

t: (mixing the two colours) look, what colour is it now?ss: it’s green.

t: how lovely! listen, blue and yellow is blue and yellow is green.

t: now everybody takes out your colour oil pastel. show me yellow-yellow-yellow.

(read and hands up)t: show me show me red-red-red.


ss: (doing the experiment and then h**e conversations in their group.)t:

what do you get from what you did just now? tell me red and blue is purple. red and yellow is you’re 7 everyday english

t: please read: 'i h**e broken his cup,he looks blue in the face.''blue in the face”.

what is the meaning?ss:蓝色的脸。


t: yes.如果中国人很生气,脸变成什么颜色?ss: red.

t: yes, red.可是在英语中要表示“气得脸发红”,应该怎样说呢?ss: blue in the face.

t: that’s right! you should remember it. and for example:don’t be blue(不要忧伤);you are


time is up. we h**e to say good bye!ss:

bye-bye! mr. bai.

thank you!


”形象地告诉学生“气得脸发红”就用“blue in the face”.表达,使学生在乐中学,收获颇多。】


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