
发布 2021-02-28 23:55:28 阅读 2993


unit 2 this is my sister.(section a period1)


本单元以家庭为话题,以家庭介绍为任务学习that’s my sister. these are my is she?等句型的使用。要求学生能够做到:







1课时。四.教学过程i. teaching objectives

1. knowledge objectives:

1)expressions:sister,mother,father,parent,brother,grandmother,grandfather,grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, here, photo )

2) structure:that’s my family. those are my parents.

who’s she? she’s my sister. oh,and these are my brothers.

3) grammar:the plural forms of the demonstrative pronouns.

2. ability objectives:

1) learn how to introduce the family.

2) get studentsto know the names of the various members of a family.

3. moral objectives: father and mother, i love you!

ii. teaching importance(focus)(1) learn how to introduce the family.

2) get students to know the names of the various members of a family.

3) get students to know the differences between this/that is and these/those are.(4) get students to know who questions

iii. teaching difficulties


3. grandmother,grandfather中d不发音。

. teaching aids

a recorder, multi-media

. teaching procedure:

step l:lead in

enjoy an english song called the finger family, do daily greetings as usual.

step 2: pre-task

1. t: today i’ll introduce a new friend.

then show a picture of a boy to teacher new words about family members.2. work on 1a, match the words.

3. listening practice: do a 1b, first listen and circle the words, then imitate.

4. look at the picture on sb p7, ask and answer in pairs.

step 3:while-task

photo show. ask and s answer

2. studentsask and answer in pairs. then do a3a3.

make a short passage about the photo. then do b 2b.

step 4:post-task

draw a photo of family and write about it, then share with friends.

step 5. sum up

do exercises in class and check the answers


1.完成练习册p14-15第一课时2.预习unit 2第二课时3.完成self check 24.常规听读,听写作业。

layout of blackboard

unit 2 this is my sister. (section aperiod 1)

sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those,who, oh, these, those, they.

that’s my are my she?she’s my sister.

oh, and these are my brothers.

教学反思:need more exercise.


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