
发布 2020-11-26 10:54:28 阅读 7845





i. listen and number.听音,给下面的**标上序号。(5分)

ii. listen and fill in the blanks.听音,根据所听内容填空。(5分)

. listen and judge. 听音,看图判断所听内容是(t)否(f)与**相符。(5分)

. listen and choose. 听音,选出你听到问句的最佳答语。(10分)

)1. a. my name is jennyb. his name is li ming.

)2. a. my father is a teacher. b. my mother is a doctor.

)3. a. i am youngb. i’m ten yeas old.

)4. a. happy birthdayb. nice to meet you.

)5. a. it is redb. i h**e three hairs.

. listen and fill.听音,在括号中写出人物的年龄。(5分)


vi. 词汇。(30分)

a) look, write the words. 看图,写单词。(10分)

b) read and circle. 读句子,圈出正确的单词。(8分)

( father / family )is a worker.

is ( old / young ).

his mother is ( tall / short ).

brother is a ( doctor / policeman ).

vii. choose. 单项选择题。(12分)

) a worker. his name is jim.

a. fatherb. motherc. sister

) mother is a doctor. _name is mary.

a. myb. herc. his

) am nine years old. lynn is six . i am___

a. oldb. newc. young

) is my

a. birthday cake b. birthday gift c. birthday

) is __father.

a. li ming b. li ming’s c .li mings

) old are you

a. i’m young. b. i’m tenc. i’m hot.

viii. read and judge. 阅读短文,判断正(t)误(f)。(10分)

hello! i’m jenny. this is my family.

my father is a worker. my mother is a bus driver.

bob is my brother. he is a policeman and he is ten years old. my sister lynn is six years

old. she is a student. i am a student, too. i am nine years old.

i love my family.

1. jenny’s father is a bus driver

2. jenny’s mother is a doctor

3. jenny’s brother is ten years old

4. lynn is jenny’s sister

5. jenny is nine years old

b) read and choose. 读短文,哪张**是peter的全家福呢?在正确选项前打√。(10分)

. read and match. 读一读,将相应句子的序号填在空白处。(10分)

thanksb. my head hurts.

c. threed. how are you?

e. how many pencils do you h**e? f. her name is jenny.

g. what’s the matterh. what’s her name?

x. make sentences. 连词成句, 注意一句话的第一个字母要大些哦。(10分)

1. old, how, are, you

2. hurts, my , head

3. live, china, in ,we

4. is, a, mother, my, teacher

5. young, is, lynn


一 补充写出下列大 小写字母的左邻右舍。15分 1j2p 34r 二 看图,把下列各种水果的序号填在 内。10分 a.pear b.apple c.grapes d.bananas e.peach 三 根据情景,选择正确的答案。15分 1.你劝来你家做客的小朋友多吃点东西,应该说 you like ...


pep小学英语三年级上册unit 4 we love animals集备教案。活动时间 2013.11.4 活动地点 洋河小学。中心发言人 韩晓丽。1 单元教学目标 1 能听懂 会说句型 what s this that?it s a cool i like it.并能运用句型,表达赞美或欣赏。2 ...


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