
发布 2020-11-24 18:42:28 阅读 3099

unit 6 happy birthday.

let’s review.

warm_up:free talk:hello/how are you/how old are you?

what’s your f**ourite cartoon?how many?they are 7 brothers...

let ‘s jump and warm me,jump,jump,1,2,3...

presention:look at the is sam’s do you want to know?你想知道什么?

你能提个问题么?(good questions,thinking boy...板书。

i like huluwa,sam likes where are they?look,what do they say?let’s show our knowledges.


quickly and loudly.

and order,can you t ry to remember?

h**e sharp eyes and sharp you h**e good memory?look,today is sam’s is coming?what are they talking about?

try to finish the dialogue.

it’s secret.文化介绍。

h**e sharp eyes,sharp ears and good you like helping huluwa?你们有信心有勇气去解救葫芦娃么?let’s go.

第一关:单词关。yenshen wa say:..

in our life number is every watch car numbers is.. the street numbers is...

1.2.第二关:句型关,erwa says...today is sam’s birthday,he has many count. for example...

people in paris. one ask ,one answer. who can try?

can you read these sentences?what did you find?just know it.引导学生发现询问物品数量时用复数形式。

3..第三关:情景关七娃says...who can help him?

我们已成功救出了几个葫芦娃?look, they are do they say?..who are they?

谁能帮他们做个自我介绍?sam also wants to invite them?look,he wants to invite zhizhu xia.

能邀请到么?let’s say together.


who do you want to invite? 找个同学师范。小组为单位,运用句型邀请高手。

who can try? others listen do they say? any questions?


look ,在我们和高手同努力下,七个葫芦娃被成功的解救了出来。蛇蝎二妖的下场是什么呢?被葫芦锋稳稳的镇压住了。

are you priod of yourself?你用什么本领解救了葫芦娃?let’s watch together.

oral homework.

so much for today’s say bye to the goodbye to the teachers.


unit 6 happy birthday.let s review.一 教学内容分析。本教案是 pep小学英语 book 1 unit 6 happy birthday的单元复习整合课的教学设计。本单元是围绕着 number 的有关话题开展教学的,在这堂课上我将根据大纲的要求,根据三年级的学生好玩...


黄珊珊。同学们,金秋时节,我们曾经看到过秋天缤纷的色彩,听到过秋天美妙的声音,分享过秋天带给我的欢乐。今天,让我们再一次走进秋天,感受秋天的魅力,感受秋天的美好。一 复习课文。1 出示第九课图1 先请同学们看课件,仔细观察,好好回忆一下,我们学过的哪篇课文是描写这幅图的?1 谁来试试?对了吗?真能干...


第一课时。复习目标 1 复习掌握第。一 二单元的生字生词,巩固古诗中单字的理解,会用 仿佛 像 写比喻句。2 重点了解背诵情况,要求能背诵故事以及语文乐园中要求会背的部分。3 加强阅读理解,提高阅读分析能力。4 能把句子补充完整。复习内容 一 听写词语。1 听写词语 2 同桌互批。3 提出易错字,师...