
发布 2020-11-18 15:43:28 阅读 2336


unit4 第三课时


学习内容】b read and write group work c let’s sing


1.熟练掌握本课句型:grandpa is writing a letter. brother is doing homework.

mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. he’s writing an e-mail in the study.

2. 正确运用“mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen”等句子介绍家人正在做什么。

3. 学会唱歌曲“what are you doing?”


1. 下列是打**常用语,你知道它们的意思吗?试着翻译一下吧!

1) sorry, but(但是) my father is out

2) please hold on

3) can i speak to your mom

4) there’s a call for you

5) who’s calling, please

6) this is zhang peng speaking

2. 翻译下列句子,注意书写句子的要求啊!

1) 我是张鹏。(打**时用)

2) 你正在干什么?

3) 我正在读书。

4) 你妈妈在干什么?

5) 你会干什么?


1. 仔细阅读read and write中的对话,完成下列**。

帮你学:1)how’s everybody doing?是一句习惯用语,表示“大家都好吗?”在这段话中还表示“大家都在干什么?”翻译时要注意语言环境。

2)just fine 还不错,都很好,也是一句习惯用语。

2. 根据read and write中的内容,创编新对话。


b:hellouncle lary. who is

a:it’s amy.

bi speak your dad?

ahe’s the room.

dad, is ayou.

c:thank you.

3. 跟读对话,然后模仿录音朗读对话,挑战自我,尝试背诵。

4. 小组内完成group work.

5. 观察let’s check中的**,用英语写出每个人正在干什么。abab



三、当堂达标 (50分)

1. 连词成句。(15分)

(1) is what doing your mother

2) am the i playing piano

3) book is mother my a reading

4) is he football playing

5) talking am i my with brother

2. 读一读,圈一圈。(15分)

(1) iam listening / listening) to the radio.

2) youare speaking / speak) english very well.

3) is shewriting / writting) a letter now?

4) are youreads / reading) now?

5) are theylooking at/ look at) a picture now?

3. 阅读对话,回答问题。(20分)

dongdong: hi, linlin. can you go shopping with me?

linlin: sorry. i am doing my homework.

dongdong: that’s ok. bye.

hello, lele. can you go shopping with me?

lele: i’m sorry. i’m reading a book.

dongdong: oh, goodbye.

good morning, qiqi. what are you doing?

qiqi: i am watching tv.

dongdong: can you go shopping with me?

qiqi: ok! let’s go!

1) what does dongdong want to do

2) what is linlin doing

3) what is lele doing

4) what is qiqi doing

5) who is going shopping with dongdong



1. wish(动词三单形式2. skate(现在分词。

3. swim(现在分词4. cook(动词三单形式。

5. 写信(汉译英6. she(复数。

7. answering the phone (英译汉8. write(同音词。

9. because(对应词10. i would (缩写形式。


( )1. can i speak __your mom?

a. forb. onc. tod. in

) 2. how’s everybody __

a. dob. didc. doesd. doing

) there is a call __you.

a. isb. arec. ford. on

) 4. —hello.

hellouncle larry.

a. this isb. is thisc. this isd. i am

) 5. —what is zhang peng doing?

a. he is cooking dinnerb. she is reading a book.

c. i am writing an e-maild. they are singing.

) 6. (answering the phone)

-aunt mary.

a. who is she? b. who’s that? c. who is it? d. who are you?


this is my family, there are six people in my family. my father, my mother, my grandma, my sister, my brother and me. what are they doing now(现在)?


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