
发布 2020-11-04 14:58:28 阅读 2760

pep小学英语五年级上册unit 3单元检测。



listening part (40分)

一、 listen and number. 听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列**排序,录音读两遍。(10分)

二、 listen and tick. 听录音,根据录音内容在**的相应位置打“√”录音读两遍(10分)

三、 listen and choose. 听录音,选择最佳答语,录音读两遍。(10分)

) 1. a. i’d like some fish. b. i’d like some water. c. i like milk.

) 2. a. i love beef noodles. b. i’d like some sandwich. c. some tea, please.

) 3. a. yes, i canb. yes, i doc. no, i’m not.

) 4. like noodles. b. i h**e noodles. c. i don’t like noodles.

) 5. like vegetables. b. i don’t like fruits. c. a sandwich, please.

四、 listen and write. 听录音,把短文补充完整,录音读两遍。(10分)

welcome to our restaurant! here is the menu. the fish is very (1today.

the vegetables are very (2and the tomato soup is very (3the beef noodles are a little (4you can try it. we also offer (5chips and fried chicken. what would you like to drink?

we h**e milk, coca-cola and (6we h**e (7for the dessert. (8come and h**e a try!

writing part (58分)

一、read and choose. 读一读,选出单词的划线部分发音不同的一个。(5分)

1. a. cowb. snowc. down

2. a. howb. flowerc. window

3. a. nowb. snowyc. slow

4. a. wowb. tomorrowc. yellow

5. a. headb. readc. tea

二、read and choose. 精挑细选。(5分)

)1. _your f**ourite food? i like sandwiches.

a. who c. what’s

) 2. i’d like some___and carrots for lunch.

a. potato b. potatos c. potatoes

)3. i’m thirsty. i’d like some___

a. sandwiches b. tomatoes c. coke

)4. i don’t like beef __chicken is ok.

a. and b. but c. for

i’d like a sandwich, please.

a. what would you like to drink?

b. what would you like to eat?

c. what’s your f**ourite food?

三、read and choose. 选择句子补全对话,把编号写在横线上。(10分)

sales: can i help you?

mumsales: the tomatoes, carrots and onions are new arrivals. they are on sale.

mumsales: the tomatoes are three yuan. the carrots are two yuan.

the onions are one yuan.

mum: give me some, please. what else?

sales: do you like fish?

mumhow much is it?

sales: it’s twelve yuan.

mum: ok. i ‘ll take some

sales: the chicken is fifteen yuan.

mum: here is the money.

salesenjoy your shopping here.

四、 look, read and write.根据中文和**提示,把短文补充完整(10分)

look, this is the school menu. on mondays we h**epotatoes, beef, sandwiches and milk. the milk is very __新鲜的).

i like it very much. on tuesdays we h**ehamburgers, chicken, pears andon星期三 ) we h**e carrots, fish, orangesand tea. on星期四 ) we h**e eggs, cake, grapes, bread and apple juice.

they are美味的). on fridays we h**e tomatoes, noodlesand water. amy likes mondays, but i like fridays.


五年级上册英语教案。unit 4 what can you do?教学目标。1.掌握a b部分 let s learn let s talk 中的词汇和句子。2.能灵活运用句型 what can you do?can you 和 yes,i,i can t.进行问答练习。3.能听懂 会...

人教PEP 五年级英语上册教学反思Unit6 1 版

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