
发布 2020-11-04 14:17:28 阅读 9895


unit 5 whose dog is it? part a let’s learn


本部分学习的单词是:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours。教材通过zoom 和 zip在谈论报刊墙展出的dog show的情景图呈现了单词的词形和意义。


教学过程:step1: free talk/greetings

1、t: good morning, boys and girls. how are you today? are you ready for english class?

ss: …2、t: do you remember these pictures?

ppt show let’s talk主情景图 )

t: whose is this yellow picture?(复习核心句型whose is ….

ss: it’s chen jie’s. it’s chen jie’s picture. the picture is chen jie’s.(学生感受名词所有格的用法)

t: whose is this tree picture?

ss: it’s john’s. it’s john’s picture. the picture is john’s.

t: whose is this beijing/shanghai picture?

ss: it’s zhang peng’s/ yifan’s. it’s zhang peng’s/ yifan’s picture.

the picture is zhang peng’s/ yifan’s.

t: great!

step2: lead-in

1、t随手拿一生书问:whose book is this?

ss: it’s wei meng’s book. the book is wei meng’s.

t: whose eraser is this?

ss: it’s xxx’s eraser. the eraser is xxx’s.

t: whose ruler is this?

ss:it’s xxx’s ruler. the ruler is xxx’s.


2、t: wonderful. now let’s play a game, golden eyes, ok?

t ppt show 人称代词i, you, he, she, it, we, they,让学生对人称进行综合复习,为下面名词性物主代词的学习做铺垫。)


i(指自己),you(指一生,并眼神交流),he, she, it(指玩具小熊),we, they(通过手势让学生理解)

3、golden eyes again:

my, your, his, her, its, our, their

t出示小熊,动作示范带读,my→my bear, your→your bear, his→his bear, her→her bear, our→our bear, their→their bear, then请学生模仿。


this is my bear, the bear is mine.

this is your bear, the bear is yours.

this is his bear, the bear is his.

this is her bear, the bear is hers.

this is our bear, the bear is ours.

this is their bear, the bear is theirs.


5、t ppt show**(主格,形代, 名代),请学生观察,总结规则和用法:


step3: practice

1、t先出示各种各样种类的狗,引入课本let’s learn的dog show,先让学生逐一过目各个同学的狗是什么样子的,然后开始提问练习,巩固核心词汇的用法:

the first dog, mike’s dog

t: whose dog is it?

ss: it’s mike’s dog. it’s his dog. the dog is his.



what’s this? it’s a pencil

whose pencil is it?

it’s oliver’s pencil. it’s his pencil. the pencil is his.

what are they? they are pencils.

whose pencils are they?

they are oliver’s pencils. they are his pencil.

the pencils are his.


it’s/they’re my eraser.

the eraser is/are mine .

it’s/they’re our books .

the books is/are ours .

step4: consolidation

1、fill in the blanks.(ppt show a form, asks ss to write names, 形代和名代,并根据**自编一个小对话)

2、do some exercises about the key words.

step5: homework




pep小学英语五年级下册。unit 5 whose dog is it?part a let s learn 青山小学邹梅。本部分学习的单词是 mine,yours,his,hers,theirs,ours。教材通过zoom 和 zip在谈论报刊墙展出的dog show的情景图呈现了单词的词形和意义...


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