
发布 2020-11-02 18:17:28 阅读 4063

unit 1 my day

period 5section a let's spellsection b read andwrite

learning aims(学习目标)

1.能听懂录音,并能总结let’s spell中字母组合cl和pl在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合cl和pl的单词。2.

能读懂read and write,并完成相应练习。

important &difficult points(重难点)


试着跟同桌说说“ what you often do every day?”并写出来。

导学**step1 :预习温故。

1. sing a song: my weekend.2.review these words in this unit.

第1页。3. review these sentences:

t: what do you do on the weekend?

ss: i often …/i usually…/sometimes i …多和几组学生操练。

step 2.新课内容展示。

1. learn“let’s spell”.1) let’s chant.

2) read these words, find out the same

can you try to read the words by yourself?

3) listen, write and say. (老师示范书写。)4)choose, write and say.2. read and write.

1) let’s read the passage and try to translate the sentences.(老师找出重点单词或短语,反复教读并让学生理解意思。)

第2页。2)tick or cross(老师讲评并纠正).

3) write a letter to robinson. tell him what you often do every day.

step 3.合作交流,师生共建。


2. you can design a robot of your own. draw and write about him/her.

step 4.布置当堂作业。


板书标题。unit 1 my day


cl :cleanclockclasscleverpl:plateeggplantpleaseplayi live in …i often …



unit 1 my day period 5section a let s spellsection b read andwrite learning aims 学习目标 1.能听懂录音,并能总结let s spell中字母组合cl和pl在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合cl和pl的单词。2...


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