
发布 2020-11-02 17:34:28 阅读 1833



五年级上册unit 5 read and write语法教学活动设计:

单元主题:my new room

核心语句:there are two bedrooms,a kitchen,a bathroom and a living room.

there is a mirror,a bed and a big closet.

语法训练活动设计:there are… there is…


过程设计:step 1: warm up


bedroom,bedroom,i love my bedroom.

mirror, mirror, i h**e two mirrors.

living room,living room,i love my living room.

table, table, i h**e a table.

设计意图:通过老师自编的简单的chant 来引导学生复习掌握家里的各个房间名称,房间里各种摆设的说法。)

step 2 : presentation

活动一、talk about the rabbit’s room.

t: (教师呈现小兔子的**)i h**e a very good friend,and i love it. who is it?

课件出现文本中的插图,让学生看,学生会回答 it’s rabbit. t:the small rabbit is very happy, because it has a new flat.

what’s it like? l et’s listen to the tape, and answer my question.

s1: two bedrooms.

s2:a kitchen.

s3:a bathroom.

s4: a living room.

t:yes!your ears are so sensitive.

(在学生说的时候,老师把这些房间的**贴于黑板上。板书there is ..there are...

并在句式后摆放房间**)描述there are two bedrooms,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a living room.

can you use :there is ..there are...and put the pictures on the board.

you also can say:

there is ..there are ..

t:课件呈现学生所说到的there be 句型表达出来的不**间名称位置的句子,让学生观察交流。


there be句型有就近一致原则:即be动词的数应与离它最近的一个名词(主语)保持一致。点到即止,点是帮助优等生感知理解原因,止是怕加重学生学习负担和出现畏难情绪,重在让学生在情境中感知和理解语法。

)t: this is the new flat. what about the small rabbit’s own room?

please read in your group and answer the question.

s:there is … there are…

设计意图:通过小组合作学习,培养学生的阅读能力,并体会表达there be句型的简单表达法)

活动二:t: what about your room?

s:there is a...a...and a...there are ..s ,a...and...s… …

ss: it nice/beautiful...

设计意图:课前我先让学生把自己的家或自己的卧室拍成**,在课堂上学生呈现自己房间的**,或使用课上得到的奖励卡片拼画**,引导学生模仿说句子,这样学生看着自己的房间**或自己设计的画介绍,既真实,还能激起学生表达的欲望。学生在拿着**或画介绍时,老师在这里注意听和指导,帮助所有同学感知there be句型的简单表达法和准确性,在多个同学介绍的例子的强化后,学生应该会对there be句型的简单表达法有所收获。

)游戏:四个同学一组,把各组同学房间的**正面朝下,打乱顺序,轮流抽取**,抽到哪张,用there be 句型描述,并且互相纠正错误后,在全班同学面前汇报。

设计意图:训练学生口语的同时,承上一个环节感知的基础上让学生在交流实践中互相体会学习运用there be句型,练习了语法。)

活动三:make a card:

如果描述的很棒,把这张**或画赠送给该同学,或也可以下课后送给自己喜欢的朋友、老师,first let ’s make a card to introduce your room. then give the card and your photos to your friend. i think this is a super gift, because it can make your friend know more about your room, and you can know more about each other.

老师给学生提供语言支架,课件呈现:一些家居或房间名称的单词,如:bedroom,curtains,end tables...

句子如下:hello, this is my own room. there is ..there are...

it’s nice/beautiful. welcome to my home.

设计意图:以学生房间的**或自己画的画作为奖励,既调动学生的兴趣,又增进了友谊。再加入一段话作为介绍,是想关注学生写语句能力的培养,落实本节课read and write中写语句的目标。}


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