
发布 2020-10-10 03:37:28 阅读 5451

pep小学英语五年级下册第六单元检测题 listening part(听力部分)

一、listen and number.(听音,标序号。)

二、listen and tick.(听音,判断所听内容是否与**一致,一致画“t”,不一致画“f三、listen and choose.(听音,选出你所听到的词语或句子。

) b. jumping c. drinking

) lunch b. watch tv c. do morning exercises ( quietly!

b. keep to the right. c.

keep your desk clean! (father is playing with his dog. father is playing football with his friends.

) are you doing at the park? b. what are they doing at the park?

四、listen and choose.(听问句,选择正确的答语, 把序号填在括号内。) 1.

a. they’re eating lunch. b.

he’s eating dinner. (

2. a. he’s listening to music. b. she is h**ing english class.

) 3. a. keep your desk clean. b. ok. take turns.

)4. a. talk quietly. b. take turns.

)5. i am. b. sure.

五、listen and fill in the blanks(听一听,补全对话).

zhang peng: hello. this is zhangpeng. who’s that?

oliver: this is oliver.

zhang peng: hi, oliver

oliver: i amwhat about you?

zhang peng: i amnow.

oliver: can you teach metomorrow?

zhang peng: sure. i teach you chinese and you teach me english. writing part(笔试部分 )

六、read and choose.(读一读,选出划线部分读音不同的一项。)

) 1. a. what b. where c. who

) 2. a. sing b. whose c. long

) 3. a. weather b. wait c. thin

) 4. a. whose b. who c. well

) 5. a. mother b. white c. brother

七、read and choose.(选出不同类的一项,并将序号填在题前括号内。) 1.

a. go shoppingb. play sports c.

eating lunch

) 2. a. go swimming b. reading a book c. listening to music

)3. a. first b. second c. drinking

) 4. a. mine b. jumping c. his

) take turns b. h**ing english classc. keep to the right

八、choose the right answer.(单项选择。)

)1. what are they doinga. it’s eating lunch. b. they’re eating they’re eat lunch.

) we use your crayonsa. keep to the right. b. ok, take turns. c. talk quietly.

) 3. he is talking in the librarya. talk quietly.

b. keep your desk clean. c.

work quietly.

) you doing i am. b. i’m cooking rice. c. sure .

) the little monkey so they’re playing. playing with its mother . 九、fill in the blanks with the following words.

(选词填空) it is sunday today. we are at home. my mother isthe dishes in the kitchen.

my father isthe flowers in the garden. my grandpa istv in the living room. i amin the study.

what is my cat doing? she isa fish in the kitchen. everyone is十、make sentences.

(连词成句,注意首字母大写及标点符号。) what doing is (?

2. drinking the elephant is water( .

3. my brother is doing kungfu ( 4. are we an english class h**ing( .

5. clean desk keep your (

十一、choose the right answer.(读一读,从右栏里找出答语,将序号填在括号内。)

) 1. what is chenjie doing ? a. keep to the right.

) 2. what are you doing? b.

they’re eating dinner. (3. when you are walking on the bridge.

c. no, she isn’t.

) 4. is she cooking? d.

she is listening to music. (5. what are they doing?

e. i’m drawing a picture.

十二、read and finish.阅读短文,判断正(t)误(f)。

it's fine today. the sun is in the sky. mr green and his family are in the park.

mr and mrs green are standing under the trees and looking at their children. ann is flying a kite. the boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother.

he's reading a book . ann's younger brother is too young. he can't walk and run.

he's drinking milk. ann's sister isn't in the park. she is at school.

1.根据短文内容判断正(t),误(f)。 are five people in ann's family.


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