
发布 2020-10-10 06:54:28 阅读 7603


topic: birthday

language systems:

1. lexis: “四会”掌握 12个月份单词:

january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december.序数词:first, second, third, fouth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth.

“三会”掌握常见的节日词组:national day, women’s day, children’s day, teachers’ day, new year’s day…

2. grammar: 有关询问别人生日和日期的句型:

when is your birthday? it’s in june. what’s the date?

it’s june 9th.

3. function: 学会询问别人生日和日期,回答某人生日在哪个月份和具体日期。

4. phonology: 字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh在单词中的发音规律。同时在let’s learn教授新单词时渗透一些发音规律。

language skills:

1. listening: 听懂一些表达生日和日期的单句、对话和一段完整的语篇,根据关键信息完成一些相应的听力练习。

2. speaking: 能和他人交谈或向他人介绍有关自己和家人的生日情况; 能够询问并回答某天是几月几号。

3. reading:读懂对话或短文,培养一些基本的阅读技能,如:如何快速查找关键信息,根据上下文猜词等。

4. writing:规范书写四会单词和句子,并能根据**和提示语写一段话介绍自己或他人的生日情况,能介绍自己喜爱的节日及原因,养成良好的书写习惯和写作习惯。


step 1 warm-up

1. 教师**unit2 p14 let’s chant的录音或vcd,让学生跟唱。


2. look and talk(看图对话)

t: do you like spring?

s1: yes, i do..

t: what’s the weather like in spring?

s1: it’s warm and windy.

t: what can you do in spring?

s1:i can fly kites. i can plant trees.


step 2 revision

t: there are 4 seasons in a how many months are there in a year?

ss: there are 12.

t: what are they? please listen and tell me.

教师**五年级上册的recycle 2 let’s chant部分的录音,在黑板上按顺序贴出12个月份的**(暂时不出示单词)。学生带着问题跟唱。


step 3 presentation

let’s learn & let’s start


如:t: (指着12个月份的卡片)there are 12 months in a months are in spring?

ss: 三月/四月/五月…

师根据学生的回答出示单词卡片教授march, april,may.并板书它们的缩写形式:mar./apr./may



2.教师指向某一月,向学生介绍说:“my birthday is in ….并在当月画上一个大的生日蛋糕,让学生理解“birthday”的意思。

然后询问学生:“when is your birthday?”引导学生回答:

my birthday is in….


3. 让学生带着任务去听录音。

t: when is john’s birthday?

t**a let’s learn录音, ss listen to the tape ,then answer.


4. read the new words follow the tape.

read follow t one by one

read in pairs.


step 4 consolidation

1.let’s try

t**let’s try部分的录音,ss完成写月份的练习。

设计意图:该练习从说到听到写相结合,有利于学生当堂巩固12个月份及“when is your birthday?”句型。)

step 5 homework



3.预习let’s talk.

unit 3 练习:

一。 写出相应的答句。

1yes, my aunt’s birthday is in august.

2because i can go skating in winter.

3my birthday is in april.

4lily’s birthday is in july.

5i usually h**e a picnic on my birthday.

6no, my grandma’s birthday is not in january.

7i usually play the piano on tuesdays.

8because i can eat many fruit in fall.


1: the first month of the year is

2: february is the __month of the year.

3: i was born (出生于) in april 20th. so my __is in april.

4: there are __months in a season. spring is from __to __summer is from __to __fall is from___to __winter is from __to __


1. ado you h**e english class ? b8:40 .

2. ado you dob: _am a student .

3. ado you do __the weekend ?

b: i oftenpiano. how __you ?

a: i oftenmountains .

4. zhang pengto meet youjohn: nice toyou , too .

zhang peng : when __you get up ? john: _7 : 00 .

zhang pengdo you go to bed ? john : 9:40 .

zhang peng : thank you __telling meyour day.

johnwelcome .

5. amy : what’s your f**ouritemike : winter .

amy: what’s the weather like __wintermike: _cold .

6. sarahseason do you like best ?

mike : i likebest . it’s always windy and cool .


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