
发布 2020-09-29 10:21:28 阅读 2406

book 4 unit 4 let’s talk and let’s learna


一、 教材分析:

本单元学习的主题是参观农场。主情景图通过展示学生们参观农场的场景拉开了本单元的学习序幕。本节课是let’s talk and let’s learn的整合课。

两部分都是围绕着农场这一主题展开的。let’s learn以讨论蔬菜作为情境呈现要学习的四个名词及其复数形式。let’s talk部分通过mike,sarah 和农民叔叔的对话情景让学生感知句型are these carrots?

yes, they are. what are these? they’re tomatoes.

能在情景中恰当运用句型they’re good/so big! 描述蔬菜特点。


1、 知识目标。

1) 学生能够听、说、认读4个蔬菜单词:tomato, potato, carrot, green beans

2) 能够在情景中运用所学句型问答是否是某蔬菜以及是何蔬菜:are these carrots? yes, they are.

what are these? they’re tomatoes. 能在情景中恰当运用句型they’re good/so big!



1)、 能够在语境中正确运用这4个单词的复数形式描述蔬菜。

2)、 能够在let’s play猜卡片的游戏中,运用所学句型what are these? are they tomatoes? 问答卡片上所画的物品。

3)、 能够在**的帮助下听懂并跟读歌谣;能够替换关键词编创新的歌谣。



二、 教学重难点:

1、教学重点:学生能够听、说、认读4个蔬菜单词:tomato, potato, carrot, green beans,感知句型are these carrots?

yes, they are. what are these? they’re tomatoes.

2、 教学难点:能够在情景中运用所学句型问答是否是某蔬菜以及是何蔬菜:are these carrots?

yes, they are. what are these? they’re tomatoes.

能在情景中恰当运用句型they’re good/so big! 描述蔬菜特点。


、warm-up 趣味热身,引入情景。

let’s chant



1、 look at the pictures and answer :what do you see on the farm?


2、 watch the video and answer :what vegetables do you see ?

1) lead in the word “tomato, potato, carrot”

2) learn the word “ green beans ”

3) 在情景中恰当运用句型they’re good/so big! 描述蔬菜特点。

4) practice “they’re good/so big!” in pairs

5) lead in the sentence about pic.1 are these carrots? yes, they are.

practice these two sentences in role .


3、 lead in the sentence about pic.2

1) watch the video again ,and find out :do they see yellow tomatoes or red tomatoes?学生根据记忆回答。

lead in “what are these? they’re tomatoes. try some”

设计意图】让学生带着问题再次****,学习pic.2.引出句型what are these? they’re tomatoes.同时进**感渗透,要有礼貌。

、practise 融入情景,品读体验。

1、 listen and repeat

2、 practice in pairs .

3、 retell the text in groups .


、extension 拓展情景,综合运用。

1、 talk about the vegetables.

2、 let’s play

3、 finish the activity book.

4、 enjoy some pictures.


、summary and homework

1、 students sum up the key points they learn today .

2、 homework listen and repeat the text .

do a hand-written news***** about vegetables .


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