
发布 2020-09-29 07:16:28 阅读 5496




2. c__1 3. c__d 4. h_t

w__m 7. sn__y 8. f__tb_11

9. j__ns __t

_ e __p

二、fill in the blanks根据汉语完成句子。(4分)

1、今天很冷吗?不,不冷。 it cold? no

2、我们踢足球吧! let’s


4、今天天气怎么样? what’s __weather



cheapwarm __


)1. a. hole b. rose c. box d. nose

)2. a. nob. notc. hot d. lock

)3. a. bike b. milk c. mike d. kite

)4. a. cake b. name c. face d. cat


)1、i'll go to dali __see you.

a. for b. to c. with

)2、what's the matteryou?

a. for b. to c. with

)3、where are my __

a. jacket b. sunglasses c. raincoat

)4、it's 10:00. igo to bed.

a. must b. h**e to c. h**e

)5、this is thereport.

a. b. weather c. music

)6、can imy jacket? yes. it is warm.

a. take off b. put on c. wear

)7about new york?

a. what's b. how c. where

)8、__is the world weather.

a. here b. how c. where

)9、what time is itbeijing.

a. on b. at c. in

)10、is it hot today?

a. yes, it isn't. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is

)11.__they are forty -three yuan .

a how many are they ? b how are they? c how much are they?

)12. this dress is eighty-nine coat is twenty yuan.__

a the dress is very cheap. b the coat is very cheap. c the skirt is cheap.

want __sneakers

a one b two c a pair of

) at that sweater,it is

a pretty b cheap c expensive

) time is it? it is __

a 7:08 b at 7:15 c on 6:10

) colour is the cap

a it is my cap. b it is red and yellow c it is a red and yellow


( )1、what are you doinga. it's cool.

( )2、what's the weather like there? b. they are on your feet.

( )3、what's the matter whit you? c. not much.

( )4、can i wear my new t-shirt? d. yes ,you can.

)5、where are my shoese. i h**e a cold.

)6、 can i help youf yes,please

)7、 how much is itb run in the park.

)8、 are they expensive ? g it is thirty yuan

)9、 put on your sneakers. h yes ,they are


1、are much they how (

2、 i you can help (?

3、for i my want a pair aneakers of (.

4、 about how this pair (?

5、 we take will them (.


( )is it cold in tangshan?

( )can i wear my new t-shirt?

( )good morning. this is the weather report.

( )no, it isn't.

( )yes, you can .


good morning, this is the weather report. it's rainy in shanghai. you must take your raincoat.

it's cold in beijing. please put on your boots. it's snowy in harbin, we can make a snowman.

it's sunny and warm in hong kong. you can play football. that's all.


( )1、what's the weather like in hong kong?

a. it's rainy. b. it's snowy. c. it's sunny and warm.

( )2、how's the weather in shanghai?

a. it's rainy. b. it's snowy. c. it's sunny and warm.

( )3、is it cold in beijing?

a. yes, you can. b. no, you can't. c. yes, it is.

( )4、can you make a snowman in harbin?

a. yes, you can. b. no, you can't. c. yes, it is.

( )5、can i wear my t-shirt in shanghai?

a. yes, you can't. b. no, you can't. c. yes, you can.


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