
发布 2020-09-29 04:55:28 阅读 9965

一、 教学目标。

1、 能听说读写下列词或词组:these,tomatoes, some,2、 能够在情景中恰当运用句型what are these ?they’re …问答物品名称;能运用句型are these…?

yes, they are./no, they aren’t.确认是否为某种物品。

3、 学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语言、语调朗读对话;

4、 通过多种活动形式,培养学生大胆开口说英语的习惯,提高听力能力。

二、 教学重点。

能够在情景中恰当运用句型what are these ?they’re …问答物品名称;能运用句型are these…?yes,they are.

/no,they aren’t.确认是否为某种物品。

三、 教学难点。

能够利用what are these ?they’re …和are these…?yes,they are.

/no,they aren’t.确认是否为某种物品,并能在情景中运用。

四、 学情分析。



五、 教学准备。

ppt六、 教学过程。

step1、warm-up & revision

1. let’s sing a song: peaches


利用多**出示土豆、西红柿、豆角、胡萝卜的**,并遮盖部分使用句型what’s this? it’s a/an … is it a/an…?/what are these?

they’re ..


1、 创设情境today we will visit old macdonald ’s go!利用多媒展示农场美景,do you like here?

introduce old macdonald and his farm.(出示**)this is old macdonald. he has a big farm.

there are many animals on the farm. look! pigs,ducks...


2、 there are more and more animals,so old macdonald need he want to find some part-time you want to help him?

ok,let’s go to apply for.

task 1 ——meeting the animals

利用多**出示农场动物的**,并使用句型:what’s this?it’s a/an...

what are they?they are...来做问答练习。


设计意图:复习句型:what’s this?it’s a/an...what are they?they are...并有效巩固了名词单数变复数的语法知识。

task 2 ——go to help macdonld!

利用多**呈现**学习短语a lot of animals,并能利用**使用句型are they...yes,they are./no,they aren’t.来做对话练习。


设计意图:本部分旨在练习句型are they/these/those...yes,they are./no,they aren’t.并有效训练学生的口语及实际应用能力。

3、 award to the winners.

step3、consolidation and extension

1,let’s look at the video, sing a song and dance.

play the video ‘animal sounds’ ,everybody stand up,sing and dance.


2, divide students into five groups,gives them some minutes to discuss,then let them to imitate the animals. practice the sentences patterns.

3,make a dialogue

师生示范 t:(课件演示)look, this is my farm in my mind. welcome to my farm .

do you want to know what are on my farm? you can ask me .you can use sentences .

t:welcome to my farm .

s1:what are those ?

t: they’re …

s1:how many … do you h**e ?

t: …s1:are they …?

t: yes, they are ./no ,they aren’t .


step4 homework

1 read the dialoge of page 40.

2 help your mother do more housework.


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