
发布 2023-02-03 11:29:28 阅读 7260

unit 1

unit 1 my neighbourhood

excuse me. where is the hospital? 不好意思。医院在**?

go straight. it's on your right. 直走。在你右手边。

it's next to the restaurant. 紧挨餐厅。

excuse me. how can i get to the post office? 不好意思。请问怎么去邮局?

go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. 直走,在第一个十字路口左转。

it's between the bookshop and the grocery. 它在书店和杂货店之间。

lesson 1 第一课。

a look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。

restaurant 餐馆。

post office 邮局。

bank 银行。

grocery 食品杂货店。

across from 对面。

next to 紧邻。

between 在……之间。

yaoyao's aunt comes to vist her family. 瑶瑶的阿姨来她家做客。

yaoyao is showing her around the neighbourhood. 瑶瑶带着她参观街坊。

look, this is a post office. our school is next to it." 看,这有一间邮局。我们学校在它旁边。”

oh, i see. what's that?" 哦,我看到啦。那是什么?”

that's a restaurant. we can eat beijing duck there. “那是一家餐厅。我们可以在那吃北京烤鸭。"

we often h**e a grocery in the neibourhood. 我们小区还有一间杂货店。

it's across from the park. 就在公园对面。

mum often buys fruit and vegetables there." 妈妈总在那买水果和蔬菜。”

i want to buy some gifts. is there a supermarket here?" 我想买一些礼物。这有超市吗?”

yes, of course. it is between the bank and the park." 当然。就在银行和公园中间。”

b look and say. 看和说。

where is the bank?银行在**。

it's between the supermarket and sunday park.在超市和周日公园中间。

lesson 2 第二课。

a look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。

turn left 向左转。

go straight 直行。

turn right 向右转。

man: excuse me. is there a post office in the neighbourhood? 不好意思。这附近有邮局吗?

lily: yes, there is. 是的,有。

man: how can i get there? 怎样能到那里呢?

lily: go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. 直走在第一个十字路口左转。

it's between the bookshop and the grocery. 在书店和杂货店之间。

man: thank you. 谢谢。

lily: you're welcome. 不客气。

b let's play. 一起玩吧。

excuse me. how can i get to the post office? 不好一起。我怎么走能到邮局呢?

go straight and turn right at the first crossroads. 直走在第一个十字路口右转。

it's on your right. 在你右手边。

thank you. 谢谢。

you're welcome. 不客气。

lesson 3 第三课。

a read and draw the route. 读并画出路线。

bill asks lucky to send a book to his friend. 比尔让卢奇给他的朋友送一本书。

lucky, get some money from the bank, “卢奇,从银行取些钱,and then get to the post office before 4:30." 然后在四点半前到邮局。

lucky le**es at 3: 30. 卢奇三点半出门。

he goes straight and turns left at the second crossroads. 他直走后在第二个十字路口左转。

he sees the bank next to a restaurant. 他看到餐厅旁的银行。

he gets some money and then goes into the restaurant. 他取了些钱然后走进餐厅。

there he eats a hamburger. 他吃了一个汉堡。

then he sees a toy shop across from the restaurant. 然后他看到餐厅对面有加玩具店。

lucky wants a toy, so he buys a ball. 他想要一个玩具,所以他买了一个球。

finally, lucky gets to the post office, but it's 5:00. 最后,卢奇到达邮局,但是已经五点了。

oh no! 哦不!

let's spell 一起拼读吧。

a listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。






b read aloud. then listen and check. 大声读。然后听并检查。








c listen and write. 听并写。

it is a day in may. 这是五月的一天。

there is a mail on the train. 火车上有一封邮件。

they say it will rain. 他们说将会下雨。

d listen and repeat. 听并重复。

rain, rain, go away. 雨、雨、停吧。

today, today is a holiday. 今天,今天是假日。

rain, rain, go away. 雨、雨、停吧。

it's time for fun. it's time to play. 是时候开心了。是时候玩耍了。

let's check 一起检查吧。

a listen and fill in the blanks. 听并填空。

excuse me. how can i get to the grocery? 不好意思。怎么去杂货店?

go straight. then turn right at the first crossroads. 直走,然后在第一个十字路口右转。

it's across from the supermarket. 在超市对面。

excuse me. where is the bank? 不好意思。银行在**?

it's next to happy shop. 在开心超市对面。

excuse me. how can i get to the restaurant? 不好意思。怎么去餐厅?

go straight. turn left at the second crossroads. 直走。在第二个十字路口左转。

it's on your right. 在你右边。

it's between the park and the school. 在超市和学校中间。

excuse me. where is the post office? 不好意思。邮局在**?

it's next to joy's home. 在乔伊家旁边。

fun time 欢笑时间。

a good to know. 了解一下。

drugstore 药店。

are you sick? 你生病了吗?

you can go to the drugstore to buy medicine. 你可以去药店买一些药。

you can also buy some food and drinks there. 你还可以在那里买一些吃的和喝的。

hairdressers 理发店。

do you like long hair or short hair? 你喜欢长发还是短发?

do you want to look special? 你想看起来特别一些吗?

go to the hairdressers for a haircut. 去找理发师剪一个发型。

coffee shop 咖啡店。

you can drink coffee in a coffee shop. 你可以在咖啡店喝一杯咖啡。

you don't like coffee? you can also drink hot chocolate. 你不喝咖啡吗?你还可以喝一杯热巧克力。

it is delicious! 好美味!

gas station 加油站。

does your car need gas? 你的车需要加油吗?

you can buy gas in the gas station. 你能在加油站加油。


unit 1 unit 1 my neighbourhood excuse me.where is the hospital?不好意思。医院在 go straight.it s on your right.直走。在你右手边。it s next to the restaurant.紧挨餐厅。excus...


2017 2018学年度下学期。人教版英语四年级下册备课。铁西小学。于涵。教学进度表。unit1 单元教学目标。一 语言技能目标。第一层次 1.能够听懂 会说restaurant,post office,bank,grocery,crossroads等表示场所和地理位置的词汇,以及across fr...


2016 2017学年度第一学期。人教版英语四年级上册备课。执教教师。于涵。教学进度表。四年级英语任课教师 于涵。unit1 单元分析。内容 人民教育出版社 一起点 四年级上册unit1 sports and games 一 语言技能目标。第一层次 1.能够听懂 会说running,basketba...