
发布 2022-05-16 00:45:28 阅读 5304



) 1. basketball

a. 篮球 b. 足球 c. 乒乓球。

) 2. often

a. 通常 b. 经常 c. 总是。

) 3. go fishing

a.去摸鱼 b. 去找鱼 c. 去钓鱼。

) 4. evening

a.早上 b. 中午 c. 傍晚。

) 5. by plane

a. 乘飞机 b. 乘火 c. 乘轮船。

) 6. garden

a. 公园 b. 花园 c. 动物园。

) 7. use

a. 请 b. 橡皮 c. 使用。

) 8. hamburger

a. .三明治 b. 披萨 c. 汉堡包。

) 9. run down the stairs

a. 爬窗台 b. 跑下楼梯 c. 当心。

) 10. play football

a. 打篮球 b. 踢足球 c. 打乒乓球。


1. dangerous (反义词2. excuse me (翻译。

3. does (否定形式4. teach (名词形式。

5. mother (对应词6. i (形容词性物主代词。


) 1. i’m goodit.

a. in b. on c. at

) 2. ilike ping-pong.

a. also b. and c. but

) 3. —cani use your ruler?

—surea. i don’t h**e one b. here you are c. i’m using it

) 4. please waitthe green light.

a. of b. for c. at

) 5. —what do you want to be in the future?

—i want to be a

a. bus driver .taxi driver c. police officer

) 6. he usually goes to workbike.

a. on b. with c. by


) 1. 当你看到一个小孩爬窗台时,你会说:

a. don’t run down the stairs. it’s dangerous.

b. don’t climb the tree. it’s dangerous.

c. don’t climb on the window. it’s dangerous.

) 2. 当你想知道朋友怎么样去公园时,你会间:

a. how do you go to the park?

b. what do you want to be in the future?

c. do you often go to the park?

) 3. 当同学向你借胶棒而你又没有时,你会说:

a. sorry. i’m using it.

b. sorry. i don’t h**e one.

c. sure. here you are.

) 4. 当你对朋友说起你喜欢运动时,你会说:

a. do you often play ping-pong?

b. i often play ping-pong. i’m good at it.

c. he likes ping-pong. he is good at it.

) 5. 想告诉朋友你周末都做什么时,你会说:

a. what do you do on the weekend?

b. do you often go to the cinema?

c. i often visit my grandparents on the weekend.


1-10 abcca bccbb

二、1. safe 2. 打扰一下 3. doesn’t 4. teacher 5. father 6. my

三、1-6 cabbac

四、1-5 cabbc


2016 2017学年度第一学期。人教版英语四年级上册备课。执教教师。于涵。教学进度表。四年级英语任课教师 于涵。unit1 单元分析。内容 人民教育出版社 一起点 四年级上册unit1 sports and games 一 语言技能目标。第一层次 1.能够听懂 会说running,basketba...


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