
发布 2022-05-16 00:47:28 阅读 6335


…线。一、听音选择听到的单词或词组。(10分)()lightc .

read………soupc .sock钉名() buyb. betweenc.

beside姓………4. a. fromb.

fruitc. food

装()5. a. christmasb. chickenc. chinese………二、听音,选择相符的内容。(10分)


……(1. i’m listening __a. tomusicb.

musicc. milk…校钉()2. look __the people the tob.

inc .at学……(3. he is __to his takingb.

talkingc. playing…()4. let’s get __the onb.

inc. up

…装()5. he is watching tv and i am watching tv,__a. tob.

twoc. too…四、听音根据你所听到的录音顺序,给下列**按1-5的顺序标序号。(5………跳远听**唱歌照相圣诞节。


10分))1、a、yes ,i can’ i can’t.()2、a、they’re she’s running.()3、a、i’mplaying going to swim in the swimming.


)5、a、 eating grass.



a good about sam一、单项选择。(10分)

)1.--what are you doing, mum?--i’m __cookingb.

cookc. run() you fall __your bike ?a.

onb. ofc. off() yesterday.

a. isb. arec. were() three chickens in the photo.

winc. winner()5is your school ? it’s near the she’sgoing to play football.

)4. -where’s the school, please左转)a. turn turn right.

)5.--h**e you got an elephant没有)a. whereb. whatc. which三、从b栏中选出a栏句子的答语。(10分)

ab()1、does he live in new york?a. yes, it will .

(2、did you tr**el by train?b. no it wasn’t .

(3、who are they?c. no, he lives in san francisco.

()4、will it be cold in guangzhou?d. yes, i did .

(5、was it fat?e. they are my grandparents .


)1.--what's the girl doing照相).a. she is taking she is watching tv.

)2画龙)--no, i can’ you draw a dragon .b. can you jump far?

()3. -what are you going to do for sports day踢足球).a.

i’m going to play football.

a .no, i h**en’ no, i h**e.二、阅读理解。(10分)

hello,i am amy. today is my birthday. i’m nine years old now.

look! peanuts and some fruit on it ,too. my friends daming and

根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)。(1、today is lingling’s birthday.

)2、amy is nine years old now.()3、there is a big birthday cake on the table.

)4、they canh**e some sweets, soup, peanuts and fruit.()5、amy is very happy today.


2012 2013 上 四年级英语期末试卷。一 根据所给字母写出相邻的两个字母 10分 1 ee 2 ii 3 mm 4 ss 5 xx二 选择正确的选项,使单词完整。10分 r a.or b.ea c.ur 2.t k a.au b.ar c.al a.an b.ae c.ea 4.m ke a....


中宁三小2015 2016学年度第一学期期末。四年级英语检测试卷。时间过得真快,转眼我们又过了一学期,我们到底学得怎么样呢?下面就来检验一下,同学们加油!你一定是最棒的!一 按照样子写句子。8分 is your school?2.i m watching tv 二 选出每组单词中与众不同的一项。10...


中间垌小学外研版四年级英语上册期中测试卷。班别 姓名分数。一 在方框中选出字母或字母组合补全单词。10分 leanergieousv 1 li e 居住 2 h se 房屋 3 list n 听 4 c n 能够,会 5 dr nk 喝饮 6 flow 花 7 eg 鸡蛋 8 chi a 中国 9 ...