
发布 2020-09-28 22:03:28 阅读 2538


unit 3 how many?

第3课时 射阳县双洋小学施法军。

教材分析:本节课是四年级上册unit 3第三课时,这单元主要学习13-19七个数字,让学生能灵活地把这些数字运用到how many 句型中去。而第三课时的主要学习内容是sound time & rhyme time的教学,因此要把复习本单元重点和本课新授内容有机地结合起来,过渡的设计环节尤为重要。

teaching contents 教学内容。

sound time & rhyme time

teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。

1. 能听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。

3. 能了解并会正确发出字母l在单词中间的发音/l/。

4. 能理解并流利诵读rhyme time的小诗。

focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点。

教学重点:1. 能了解并会读/l/,能总结归纳过去所学单词。

2. 能理解并流利诵读rhyme time的小诗。

教学难点:1. 灵活地改编小诗。

2. 总结归纳含有字母l的单词。

teaching aids 教学准备。


teaching procedures 教学过程。

step 1 free talk & revision

1. listen to the number song

t: hello, boys and girls. do you like the song?

s: yes.

t: good. me too. let’s try to sing the song together. ok?

s: ok.

t: great! show me your hands.

s: (sing the song) (老师带着学生边做动作边跟唱歌曲)


t: wow. boys and girls, you sing beautifully. i like it. and what’s the song about?

s1: numbers.

t: yes. it’s about numbers. can you say the numbers?

s: yes.

t&s: one, two, three … twenty. (简单教学16~20的英文数字)

t: can you spell the numbers in english?

s: yes.


t: great! you know numbers very well. and i h**e some gifts for you.

what are they? you may ask me like this “do you h**e any …”

s: (猜老师带来的礼物)

step 2 rhyme time

t: look, they are some cakes. let’s listen to the rhyme.

s: (listen to the rhyme.) ppt**动画)

t: how many cakes do i h**e?

s: four.

t: do you like cakes?

s: yes, we do.

t: let’s listen and repeat.


t: let’s read the rhyme together.

t: try to read and act it out in group.



t: you did a very good job. can you make a new rhyme like this?

s: (discuss in groups and make their new rhymes.)

t: who wants to show your new rhyme? (小组讨论,编演自己的小诗)


step 3 sound time

t: boys and girls, your rhymes are perfect. and i wrote a rhyme too. can you read it?

s: (read the rhyme.)

t: pay attention to these words.

t: please read after me.

请学生跟读四个画圈的单词,引入sound time,再领读sound time中的5个词)

t: how is letter “l” pronounced? s1:/l/.

t: right. please read after me. /l/, l/, l/. s: (read after the teacher.)

t: look, here is a little lion. can you fill in the blanks according to the picture?

you may discuss in pairs. (学生同桌讨论填词)

s: (fill in the blanks in two.)

t: great. let’s enjoy the cartoon about /l/. ppt**动画)

t: ok. boys and girls, can you find more words like these? s: yes.


t: you found so many words. that’s fantastic.

would you like to do something more difficult?

s: yes.

t: can you make a sentence with these words? for example …

s1: yes …


t: your sentences are amazing! you may make more after class. okay?

s: ok.

homework 家庭作业。

1. listen and read the rhyme, try to recite it. 听读小诗 ,试着背诵。

2. try to find more words with letter “l” and then make some sentences.


板书设计。unit 3 how many?

l l /l/

long, little, lion, love, …




在sound time的学习过程中,借助老师自己的韵律诗,引出语音板块的五个单词,教师先领读单词,再让学生试着归纳语音规律。学生说出正确发音后,请学生再找找类似的单词,并用这些单词造句。充分调动学生的旧知识,学生自己编出的句子也记得更牢固。


作业设计:一、 根据划线部分的读音给下列单词归类,并根据划线部分的读音自己再写出一个单词。

horse library get girl hot ruler

1. eleven

2. good

3. behind


二、 根据描述,写出适当的数字。

1. how many seasons(季节) are there in a year?

there are __

2. how many months(月) are there in a year?

there are __

3. how many fingers(手指) and toes(脚趾) do you h**e?

i h**e __


三、 根据情景,选出正确答案。


a. what do you h**e? you h**e any ..


a. do you like dogs? you h**e any dogs?

( )3.当我们询问别人有多少本书时,可以说:

a. do you h**e any books? b. how many books do you h**e?

( )4.“我能看看吗?”用英文表达是:

a. can i h**e one? b. can i h**e a look?


范文。教案。www.5y 教学内容pep4 unitthree第三课let sspell.主备教师使用教师教材分析let sspell分为read,listenandchant listenandtick以及listen,circleandwrite三部分。第一部分呈现了o e在单词中的发长音的规律...


period 3 section b 3a self check 学习目标 1.能较熟练地使用目标语言写一篇介绍家庭成员或他人的短文。2.掌握以下知识点 1 词汇 dear,thanks,for,photo,here 2 句型 thanks for the photo of your family....


第三课时 part a letters and sounds 知识与技能目标 能听说读写字母ee,ff,gg,hh,ii,并能基本掌握字母e,f,g,h,i在不同。单词中的发音,能认读相关例词。过程与方法目标 培养学生的观察能力,比较能力和书写能力。情感态度与价值观目标 教育学生要养成良好的书写习惯...