北师大版 六年级英语上册教案unit4

发布 2020-08-23 06:17:28 阅读 8312

unit4 choosing a gift



i prefer this belt/these sunglasses…how much do these/those sunglasses cost?how much does this/that t-shirt cost?grammar







教学过程:一、warm up, listen to a song.二、review

1.last class we h**e learned “choosing a gift” this you still remember this story?read this story and answer these the dialog by yourselves.

answer the questions and show the answers (interrupt).2. answer these questions and retell the the questions and show the answers.

divide students into two groups, help each other to fill in the blanks(just speaking).read the text.3.

review the words.

these are the words in our dialog. let’s review them.

read out these words together,: belt, sunglasses, gloves, pants socks, jeans, shoes, past the pictures on the blackboard.(单词卡片)三、lead in and practice the words.

1. look , i am standing here, would you please paste the cards onto the correct places.( this/these/that/those)(手指卡片)2.

please read them.

the place there the teacher stands on. paste again and read again in pairs.四、lead into the dialog (talk together) and practice.

1. boys and girls, i h**e bought two pairs of glasses, but firstly , i h**e a riddle for is a big shopping mall. there are so many shops and restaurants, and even so manybeautiful girls there.

people can walk in ,but cars are not allowed. i bought some nice thingsthere, such as sun glasses, t-shirts, and i also ate some delicious food there. where is it inchengdu?

i h**e bought two pairs of glasses there. do you wanna h**e a look?

2. show wearing the glasses. which one do you like?

guess, which do i like.(带墨镜sun glasses与近视眼镜glasses for nearsightedness)

i h**e some others glasses, look at them and tell me , which on do you like?

you can tell me with: i like….i prefer…..he prefers….(课件:多幅眼镜)

3. i h**e a dialog for buying the sun glasses. let’s listen and read after it, ok?

would you please read in pairs?

4. i h**e some other groups of things. would you practice the dialog in pairs?

act the dialogs.

about the scenery?

go through the pictures.

now, let’s listen to the dialogs, would you please number the pictures?play the tape for the first time, h**e the students point to the matching picture.


check answers in the class

answers. (课件,words you know.)

五、do some summarize.

today , we h**e retold the story and make some dialogs, all of you did good am so happy to talk with you , and so lucky to be your teacher time to say goodbye.

before this, i h**e some homework for you, that is review all we h**e learned wish you happy and you , bye all.

三、拓展内容,排列句子,在括号里写出正确的序号()hello, what can i do for you?()thank you.

)pens are here, which pen do you prefer?()it costs20 yuan.

)i’ll take it,here is your money.

)i prefer the black pen,how much does this pen cost?()i’ll take it,here is your money.()yes,i want a pen.

北师大版 六年级英语上册教案unit

北师大版六年级英语下册。unit6 review教学设计。训练目的 本节课主要训练学生观察能力,用英语回答问题 提出问题并能交际的能力。教学目标 挖掘教材内容,初步了解课文大意。教学准备 教学过程 step1.老师用学生熟知的话题导入新课,便于学生进入学习状态,同时为下面的学习作语言铺垫。detai...


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