
发布 2020-08-23 06:19:28 阅读 8345


一、下列每组单词中,有一个与所给单词不同类,将其序号填入题前括号内(10)()moon c. bird

) space suit b. spaceship c. dog()3. sita. put b. hit

)4. b. fourthc. seven

)5. windowa. door b.

desk c. watch二、readandfindoutthedifferent one。(读一读,并找出与其他两个不同类的单词)。

20﹪1.()三、read and choose。(读一读,选一选。

)30﹪()is hot in___in beijing.

a. 比赛得了第三名,你应该说:

a. happy congratulations.()3.看到mocky很难受,.ken关切地问:

the matter? worry,mocky.()am___than you.

a. 梦见自己成为了一名___a. 帮帮忙:怎么知道我有多重。

can check you me h**e a look.()7.我们现在居住的星球是。

a. is monday,today is



与thirteen相邻的数字是哪一个?a. thirty—one() you___a banana yesterday?.a .ate b. eat

) do last night?a .did b. does c. are

)13. he __at home last .wasn’t b. didn’t c. weren’t

) dream last .h**e b. has c. had()15. he was __an b. the c. a

) _fun on mars in my dream last night..a .has b. h**e c. had()1 yesterday?

) parents werevacation last b. on c. for() didn’t look sickmore..

a. any b some c. many

) she___go to school..a. did b. did’t c. didn’t

四、read and choose.(认真读题,再选。)30﹪

) is you birthday

a. it’s september it’s september one.()2i’m eleven years old.

a. how old are you? much are they?

()3you are 147 centimeters how much do i weight?b. how tall am i ?

(you want a kiwi fruit?

a. yes, i don’ no,thank you.()5that’t ok.


a. i’m thank you.()6we are astronauts.

a. what are these ?b. what do you do ?(you ready

a. yes,i didn’t.

a. did ann win the race?b. do ann win the race?()can you do

a. i like i can jump high!

) much do you weigh

weigh 33 ten years old.五、英汉互译。(10分)


3.运动会 win the race


like3 . can8 . are七、用所给词的适当形式填空。

(20分)1. ih**e) a dream last night.2.

she___go) to a farm __do)go to school last came __four) .

5do) ken win the race yesterday?.6. who wasone) in the race?


甘州区沙井镇中心学校2017年秋学期期末试卷。六年级语文。一 看拼音,写词语。10分 z x n ku w j s ng d ng y ng j c b n zhu d o ch n p q ng mi tu xi sh n s sh l 二 给加点的字选择正确读音,在正确读音下划 3分 砌好 q ...

北师大版 六年级语文上册期末测试题

一 读下面的句子,在括号里写出恰当的词语。1 无论多么险恶的来球,只要经过她的手一调整,一hu n ch n q n k间就hu xi n w i y变得平和起来。2 尽管这里没有父亲和妹妹的评论,但我感到 o n o因为我显然。将那把 锯子 带到了林子里。我不由得z zh u自己 我真是个。白痴!...

北师大版 六年级语文上册期末测试题

一 读下面的句子,在括号里写出恰当的词语。1 无论多么险恶的来球,只要经过她的手一调整,一hu n ch n q n k间就hu xi n w i y变得平和起来。2 尽管这里没有父亲和妹妹的评论,但我感到 o n o因为我显然。将那把 锯子 带到了林子里。我不由得z zh u自己 我真是个白痴!3...