
发布 2020-08-23 06:18:28 阅读 5952

unit 1 space


课本p86 unit 1的所有单词。



were you yesterday? 昨天你/你们在哪儿?

i was/we were in a spaceship.我/我们在宇宙飞船里。

was he/she yesterday? 昨天他/她在哪儿?

he/she was in a spaceship? 他/她在宇宙飞船里。

had a dream. 做了个梦。

you/he/she/we/they had an english class.上一节英语课。

我/你他/她/他们 had a great time.玩得很开心。

were no trees. 没有树。

was no air/water.没有水/空气。

had a dream last night.昨晚我做了个梦。

was in my dream. ken在我的梦里。

was cold on mars. 火星上很冷。

martians were very friendly. 火星人很友好。

are you from? 你们来自**?

we are from the earth.我们来自地球。

had a great/good time together.我们在一起玩得很开心。

were you last mouth?上个月你在哪儿?

i was on mars.我在火星上。

were you yesterday afternoon?昨天下午你在哪儿?

i was at the swimming pool.我在游泳池。


my dream

i had a dream last night. ken was in my dream. we were in a spaceship and then we were on mars.

it was very cold on mars. there were no trees. there were no air.

there were no water. but there were martions. the martions were very friendly.

we had a good time.

unit 2 an accident


课本p86 unit 2的所有单词。





visited a friend.我/你拜访了朋友。

i/you didn’t visit a friend. 我/你没有拜访朋友。

went to school.他/她去上学了。

he/she didn’t go to school. 他/她没有去上学。

cleaned the room.我们/他们打扫了房间。

we/they didn’t clean the room. 我们/他们没有打扫房间。

did you do yesterday?昨天你做什么了?

i watched a film我看电影了。

weren’t at school.他们不在家。

wasn’t at home.他不在学校。

h**ing breakfast.我们正在吃早饭。

went into the kitchen. mocky进入了厨房。

the matter? 发生什么事了?

mocky ate the banana very quickly. mocky吃香蕉太快了。

banana went everywhere.香蕉喷得到处都是。

helped him and ann cleaned the table. .

ken帮助了他, ann擦干净了桌子。

12. be careful next time. 下次小心一点。

13. the next day mocky visited ann and ken again.

第二天,mocky 又来拜访ann 和 ken.

didn’t want any bananas. mocky不想吃香蕉了。

had/ate breakfast at seven thirty.我7:30吃早饭。

went to school at eight o’clock.我8点钟去上学。

school i painted with peter.放学后,我和peter一起画画。

played football at five o’clock.我5点钟踢足球。

washed my clothes before dinner.我晚饭前洗衣服。

did my homework after dinner.我晚饭后做作业。

watched tv at eight in the evening.我晚上8点看电视。

went to bed at ten o’clock.我10点**睡觉。


mocky’s bad day

last saturday, mocky visited ann and ken. he went into the kitchen. mocky was hungry.

he wanted a banana. ann passed him one. mocky ate the banana very quickly.

then he ate another one. suddenly, mocky looked sick. he coughed and coughed.

the banana went everywhere. ken helped him and ann cleaned the table. mocky was very sorry because he made a mess.

my diary

last sunday, i didn’t go to school. i was at home. i got up at 8:

00. i had breakfast at 8:30.

i cleaned my room, but i didn’t cleaned the table. i washed my socks but i didn’t do the homework. i watched tv but i didn’t watched a film.

i ate apples but i didn’t ate bananas. i had a great time.

unit 3 sports


课本p86 unit 3的所有单词。





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