人教PEP版 六年级英语下册 毕业模拟测试一

发布 2020-08-18 16:04:28 阅读 6080




一、单词拼音(将划线部分读音不同的单词的符号填入题号前括号内) (1101. standc. kate ( notb.

noc. go ( penb. thesec.

desk ( 4. a. thisb.

sitc. nice( )5. a.

student b. underc. cup( )6.

a. sweater b. pleasec.


mother ( 9. a. bagsb. classes

my二、选择填空(将正确选项的符号填入题号前括号内)(210)( 1. areyoumrs. read?

yes, ia. a. ofb.

on c. in( )3. these bananas area.

you yours ( 4. the twins


a. look same b. look the same c.

look after( )5. it’stimea. gotobed b.

togotobed c. togotothebed( )6. who’sthat?

is it lucy __lilya. but ( 7. whose bag is this?

ithink it’ sa. jim’ jims8. that’ s his

watch,give it to __pleasea. heb. himc. his ( 9. ih**eanewbike.

___ac. an ( 10. are you friends?

yesa. i amb. they arec.

weare三、情景反应(将正确答案的编号填入前括号内)(210)( 1.一iseveryoneherea. yes,iam.

b. no. you aren’ t.

c. yes,we are all here.( 2.

-thisisanewstudent, s your name? b. how do you do?

c. are you ann?( 3.

-good afternoon, good morning b. good afternoon c. goodbye( )4.

-hello,bill?一 b. iamsamc.

i’msam ( 5.-thisisyoureraser. hereyouare.



you,mr. hua. thankyou,too b.

that’sallright c. allright ( 6where is the toilet?-over me b.

sorryc. how are you( )7.-sit down and h**e a cup of teaa.

i sit down b. i h**e a cup of tea c. thank you( )8.

一can i see your s ok b. okc. ok.

it’ snothere ( 9.-what’sthetime? 一 b.

it’sthetime c. it’seighto’clock ( 10it’sanegg. s this in english?

b. is this your egg?c.

can youspeakenglish?四、句型转换(按括号内要求完成镇空,一空一问)(35)肯定回答)yes2. they are in grade two.

***否定句)__in grade two. 3. she can spell her name.

***一般疑问句spell her name? bags are black. (对划线部分提问aretheirbags?

变复数)__are___五、完型填空(将选项的符号填入题号前面括号内)(210) look ① thepicture,please. wecanseegreen’ s ② in it. they are ③ mr.

④mrs. green


arehere. kate ⑤ there. ⑥isjim?

oh,⑦isbehindthe chair. what’ s that? it ⑧ like a hat.

but it’ s acat. it’son ⑨ floor. doyouknow ⑩ name?

(atb. likec. after( )2.

a. familyb. fatherc.


c. english boys ( 4. a. orb. and

its六、阅读理解(根据短文内容选择正确答案,并将其代号填写在题前的括号内) (35) my name is li lei. i’ m thisisapictureofmyfamilyathome. youcanseemyfather.

mymother,mysister一lihuaandme. ih**eanicebedroom. thereisaphotoonthewall.

it’sold. whois that one behind the doll? is it my sister?

no,it’ s howoldamiinthephoto?ithinkone. mymotheris a worker.

my father is a teacher of english. he has anamerican friend,mr green. his family are in china.



son, jims is a student. we are in the same school,butdifferent classes. we are good friends, h**ea.

one sister b. one brotherc. two friends2.

the baby in the old picture

isa. li huab. li lei

myb. mymother’s c. my( )4.

my father isa. a worker b. anenglishteacher c.

ateacherofchinese ( classesc. grades


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