六年级上册英语教案 Unit1Review 冀教版

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《unit 1 review》









2.了解一般现在时和一般过去时当中动词的正确形式教学难点:用英语表达my f**orite sport相关信息。


step1. class opening. 1.

greetings. t:good morning,boys and weather today?

t:it was a good day last sunday. i flew a kite with my friend.

i had a good time. did you h**e a good sunday? what did you do?

s1: i played football with my friend. s2:

i read a book. t: hope you can h**e a good time in my lesson.

2. game t: first,let’splay a game.

some pictures for you. please look and say. for example:

playing football is a sport. swimming is a sport. ready?

s: playing basketball is a sport. playing ping-pong/ football is a sport.

swimming/running is a sport.【设计意图】ppt快速闪现运**片,学生快答。活跃课堂氛围,为进行本课话题—运动,做准。

备。t: good job!

today we will continue to talk about sports. 1. listen and judge.

t: these are sports. this is basketball

all/ping-pong/running. spellbasketball…,please. s: b-a

s-k-e-t-b-a-l-l…【设计意图】ppt**依次换成书上练习一的**,自然过渡到课本练习part 1。t: do you know about them?

ss: yes! t:

let’ssee. please listen and judge. ifit’sright/wrong, please do like this.



达。2. contest t:

well done, sports knowledge. t: here are the rules.

1. each team chooses and answers in turn. 2.

each option can be chosen for once. 3. if you don’tknow, ask one partner for help.

4. if right, your team will get score. if wrong, the first one who hands up can answer.

t: stars stands for its difficulty. t: any questions?you’re team1,2 and 3.

sports knowledge contest体育知识竞赛规则:1.三组轮流由一名组员选择一道题进行回答。



123easydifficultfootballbasketballping-pong t: first to try? team 1:

i like basketball best. i choose basketball-clothes. t:

here’sthe question. please fill in the blankst-shirt is bluet-shirt is these, that, those) iwatch) this game laswho won ? team 1:

this t-shirt is blue. that t-shirt is yellow. t:

great! one score. then, team 2.

team 2: i know about ping-pong. i choose ping-pong—game.

t:here’sthe question. fill in the blanks.

team 2: i watched this game last year. t:

right. score. another score, do you know who won?

s1:ma long. t:

yes! your team can score. nowit’syour turn,team 3.

team 3:ping-pong—player. t:

listen carefully. can you name three famous ping-pong players? team 3:

dingning…idon’tknow others. t:i’ to help?

team1: ma long, zhang jike, li xiaoxia.

t: you catch the chance. score.

…t: wonderful! you answered all the questions.

who win?let’ssee!(统计小组得分)team 1,congratulations!



答。part 3 t: i pick up some sentences from the together.

what can youfind? s1:标红的词都是动词。



式。。。t: pay attention to these words.

they are key words about time. some tips for can you find?i watchedthis game last wasa basketball game last often playping-pong balls at the shop.

danny always thinkshe can catch the 1:一般现在时表示具有通常性、规律性、习惯性的动作或状态。常和表示频率的时间状语连用。

tip 2:一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。

动词用过去式。s1 reads. t:

here are some verbs of past form. first, try to read. t:

now boys read the present form, girls readthe past form. t:let’sdo it.

an exercise.

t : please read and write. 2 minutes for you.

t: time is five parts. s1:

yesterdaymorning, my friends and i went to a shop. s2: we bought three beautiful kites.

s3: my friends taught me how to fly the kite. s4:

i thought it would be easy. but it was difficult. s5:

my friends flewthe kites very high. but icouldn’ read together. t:

i h**e a question. why do we change“go”to“went”,“teach”to“taught”…?s:

because it was“yesterdaymorning”.【设计意图】从竞赛题当中择出句子,启发学生通过观察和比较,归纳出一般现在时和一般过去时的特点。既开动了学生的思维能力,同时也便于学生复习和记忆。


答题技巧。并通过part6练习巩固。part 4.

my f**orite sport t: we know, basketball、ping-pong…aresports. flying kites is a sport, too.

whatother sports do you know?

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