六年级上英语教案 unit4鲁教版

发布 2020-08-11 11:21:28 阅读 7602

unit 1my name’s gina



1)学生能听、说、读、写课标内单词zero-nine,phone number,first name /last name , hi, hello等。2)学生学会运用这些句型:

your/her/his name? nice to meet her last/first name?

your phone number? it’s…2.语言技能目标。



what is =what’she is =he’s等)3.学习策略目标。






教学难点1.能正确使用人称代词my , your, his, her, i2.英语名字的认读。




hello. nice to meet you.

what’s your/his/her name?及答语。


3)能了解以下语法:what’s=what isi’m=i amname’s=name is


teaching steps

step 1 warm-up

listen and sing a song: bingo

step 2presentation

( use a toy or a picture of a dog.) hello. my name is bingo.

nice to meet you.(help students to say: hello.

nice to meet you,too.) your name?s:

my name is…

t: nice to meet you.(shake hands)s:nice to meet you,too.

then students practicewith the classmates they don’t how to greet different people?( boss, teacher, friend…)look at the pictures and make up the dialogue.

we’re going to meet some new friends. look at these pictures: who are jenny, gina, mary, jim,alan?

5. listen to the tape and number the conversations (1b)6. listen again and find the right pictures

teach: what’s his /her name? his/her name is…7.

do 2a listen and number the pictures.8. 2b.

listen again and circle the names .9. the conversations in 3 practise

1.task: make a survey


a report:hello. my name is…his name is…her name is…step 4grammar focus

read the grammar focus by some exercises.




2).能掌握以下句型:1).能掌握以下单词:what’s your first/last name?3)。能认读英语名字2.文化意识目标。


teaching steps:

第2页。step 1. revision

greeting: hello. /nice to meet you. /what’s your/his/her name?step 2. presentation

a picture of zhu qinan) what’s his name?his name is zhu qinan. zhu is hislastname.

qinan is hisfirstname.(repeat with another student.)

at this boy. what’s his last /first name ? students introduce themselves like this:

my name is…my first name is…my last name is…

5. make a survey (group work)

namefirst namelast name

group gives a report.

at this english boy. his name is jim green. what’s his first /last name?

can you tell the difference?students discuss it.

7. practice: do you know their first /last names?

(show some famous persons’ names.)step 3 practice

3a. read the list of names. write f for first name and l for last is a boy’s name.

and gina is a girl’s name.

teach : boy /girl)

look at these names . do you know which are boys’names and which are girls’names?

3.3b. each student chooses a first name and a last namefrom the name list .

ask their classmates

their new first names and last names. then make a name the name game

homework收集你所喜欢的人物的有关资料,如:name , nationality, birthplace, job, workplace, ect.并准备向全班介绍。



能掌握以下句型:what’s your telephone number?

teaching steps:

step 1. revision

学生介绍他们所收集的中外名人。step 2. presentation

the song: ten little indians

and repeat the numbers from zero— you read these numbers?

4.(write my telephone number) then ask : what number is it?

第3页。teach: telephone number

you read these telephone numbers?step 3 practice

1. listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.2.

groupwork : ask and tell your phone 2a /2b

4.2cmake a survey

the game:write your phone number on a piece of ***** and put it in a bag. then take out apiece of ***** and find the




能掌握以下单词:cardid cardfamilyfamily name2.语言技能目标。

能根据要求制作id card

teaching steps:

step 1.

games: count the numbers( or sing the number song)step 2. presentation

at the pictures in 3a . then find the last names and write them below.

2.3b look at the id card and answer the questions.( help them find:

family name=last name)3.3c fill in their own id card.

two classmates in the cards.(selfcheck 3)step3 selfcheck

discuss any problems they h**ehomework

a id card (useful expressions: school, class, home address, postcode, e-mail ) a composition about themselves with their own pictures.


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