
发布 2020-08-11 11:25:28 阅读 7842

the dictation of unit 4

一、 词组:

1. then and now 过去和现在 2. six years ago 六年前 3.

read and draw 读和画 4. do many things 做很多事5. twenty years ago 二十年前 6.

mr. brown 布朗先生 7. write letters to his friends 给他的朋友写信 8.

use the telephone 用**9. in the office 在办公室 10. call people 给人们打** 11.

a mobile phone 一部手机 12. write emails 写电子邮件 13. listen to the radio 听收音机 14.

read news*****s for news 看报纸了解新闻 15. watch news on the internet 从网上看新闻 16. read e-books 读电子书17.

mrs. brown 布朗夫人(太太) 18. make friends at school 在学校交朋友 19.

buy things from shops 从商店买东西 20. from all over the world 来自全世界 21. do shopping on the internet 从网上买东西 22.

these words 这些单词 23. work hard every day 每天努力工作 24. on holiday 度假中 25.

an english lesson 一节英语课 26. look out of the window 向窗外看 27. listen to me 听我说 28.

go on 继续 29. what day 星期几 30. spell that word 拼写那个单词 31.

get angry (变得)生气 32. make a sentence with … 用。。。造一个句子 33.

wait for the answer 等待答案 34. 16 years old 十六岁 35. yesterday morning 昨天早上。

二、句子。1. thirty years ago, i was a little girl. 三十年前,我是个小女孩。

2. i could walk and run , but i couldn’t read or write. 我会走路和跑步,但我不会读书和写字。

3. i didn’t go to school seven years ago. 七年前,我还没有上学。

4. now i’m a student. i can do many things. 现在我是个学生。我会做很多事情。

5. twenty years ago, mr. brown wrote letters to his friends. 二十年前,布朗先生写信给他的朋友们。

6. now , he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere. he also writes emails.


7. thirty years ago, mike’s grandpa listened to the radio and read news*****s for news.


8. now he can read and watch news on the internet . he reads e-books too.


9. twenty years ago, mrs. brown made friends at school. she bought things from shops.


10. now she has e-friends from all over the world. she does shopping on the internet too.


11. the americans invented the aeroplane. 美国人发明了飞机。

12. the british invented the train. 英国人发明了火车。

13. bobby is looking out of the window. 波比正看着窗外。

14. the lesson goes on, but bobby is still looking out of the window. 课继续进行,但波比仍然看着窗外。

15. can you spell it ? 你会拼写它吗?

16. now bobby and sam are talking . miss fox gets angry. 现在波比和山姆在谈话。狐狸老师生气了。

17. i ate a cake yesterday. 昨天我吃了一个蛋糕。

18. at that time, tim was one year old. he could not walk. 在那个时候,提姆只有一岁,他不会走路。

19. in 2004, mike was four years old. he could not ride. 在2023年,迈克才四岁,他不会骑车。

20. twelve years ago , what could they do ? what couldn’t they do ?



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