
发布 2020-07-25 13:48:28 阅读 5768


一、 英汉词组互译。(10分)




7.听收音机 for the answer

the angry


)1. he __at school yesterday.

a. isn’t b. wasn’t c. doesn’t d. didn’t

)2. can you make a sentence __h**e”?.

a. inb. onc. with d. by

)3. the football match is very

a. excite b. excites c. excited d. exciting

)4. _your mother see a film yesterday evening?.

a. areb. didc. was d. is

)5. he often __apples on the farm.

a. pickb. picking c. picks d. picked

)6. i __you, but you __at home.

a. call; weren’t b. called; aren’t

c. called; were d. called; weren’t

)7. tom visited the farm __his family yesterday.

forc. in d. and

)8. the teacher___the blackboard,then we copyed the words.

atb. pointed at pointing at d. points at

)9. do you want

a. visit the forest b. visiting the forest

c. to visiting the forest d. to visit the forest

)10. she usually __new clothesher doll.

a. makes…with b. make…for c. makes…ford. make…with


1. five years ago, he __can) ride a bike.

2. now tom can do many __thing).

3. mike’s grandpa likes __listen) to the radio.

4. my mother __work) hard every day.

5. please___put) your hands on the desk.

6. i wantbe) your friend.


1. it was interesting.(改成否定句)

it __interesting.

2. he could draw the hill. (对画线部分提问)

what __he __

3. he ate a cake last sunday.(用every day替换last sunday)

he __a cake every day.

4. i caught some fish there yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

___youfish there yesterday?

6. helen watched tv last night. (对画线部分提问)

helen __last night?



six yearshe


wherego for

isummer palace.


after noon,the weather becameand


all the students are very

6、从b栏选择a栏的适当答句,将序号填入括号内。 (10分)

ab ) 1. where do you livea. she is looking for her wallet.

) 2. what‘s su yang looking for? b. by bus.

) 3. why did you call me? c. because i want to play football with you.

) 4. how did you go to the zoo this morning? d. last friday.

) 5. when did d**id make a kitee. i live near ben。

) you see my visited her relatives

) 7. what did nancy do last weekend? g. yes, it was in that box 。

) were on the desk。 (he like was a book.

) does.


atim often goes to the park at the weekends.he likes playing with ants.the ants are small,but they can carry big things.they work in groups.tim likes catching fireflies,too.sometimes he puts them in some bottles.

many boys like insects.they like crickets(蟋蟀).crickets are br**e and they like to fight.but many girls like butterflies and dragonflies,because they are beautiful.


)1.the ants can’t carry big things.

)2.many girls like crickets.

)3.tim likes butterflies,too.

)4.the crickets like to fight.

)5.tim often goes to the zoo at the weekends.


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