
发布 2020-08-11 12:21:28 阅读 2127


1.变成 our earth

2.国庆节 water

3.交朋友 down

4.来自9. messy and dirty

5.在一家购物中心 a sentence








) 1your sister at home yesterday?

a. wasb werec. did

) here this morning.

a. rainedb. rainc. rainy

)3. _you __to the story now?

a. are ;listen b. do; listening c. are; listening

)4. -what day is it todayit’s___

a. at sevenb. mondayc. june.1st

)5. i can do shopping___the internet.

a. forb. onc. in

) move the rubbish __my house.

a. fromb. inc. away from

) cowboys like wearing

a. kiltsb. jeansc. sweaters

) 8. _plastic is bad for the earth .

a. too manyb. too muchc. too more

) use plastic __bags.

a. to makeb. makec. makes

) 10. don’t throw a banana skin on the ground. pick __

a. up itb. it upc. up them


)1. do you like the presenta. i’m sorry.

)2. are you happyb. ok.

) does this sign meanc. it means you can’t litter.

) shouldn’t draw on the deskd. i visited the palace museum.

) our city cleane. it comes from the trees.

) does the wood come fromf. no, it isn’t.

) make a posterg. he’s fine.

) is your brotherh. yes, we are.

)9. how was your holidayi. yes, i do.

) did you do last may dayj. it was great.


sign on the wallmean)“no parking”.

long ago,therebe) a foolish king.

of our energycome) from coal and oil.

auntgive) a red packet to her yesterday.

students are veryexcite).


should park the car here。(改为否定句) wethe car here。

2. this sign means “no littering”.(对划线部分提问this sign mean?

3. there were some cars in the street.(改为否定句) therecars in the street.

4. liu tao visited his uncle last week.(改为一般疑问句liu tao __his uncle last week?

5. smoke makes the air dirty.(对划线部分提问the air dirty?


1. mike五岁就会游泳了。

mike __swim when he __five years old.


we should __water and __it.

3. 我们可以做什么来保持空气干净?

what can we do to __the air __


my fatherin the living room yesterday.

5. 我们不该使用太多的塑料袋。

weuse too __plastic bags.


sandy is my cousin. he is only four years old. he likes to touch(接触) everything.

one day, sandy and i were taking a walk in the park. suddenly, sandy saw some bees on the flowers. he was very happy.

he walked on the grass(草地) and caught them. then a park keeper(管理员) came up to us. he pointed to a sign on the grass and said, “can’t you see the sign?

”sandy said, “what does it mean?” it means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. fine(罚款) ten yuan.

” oh, sorry, sir. i don’t know the sign. i just h**e five yuan.

i put only one foot on the grass.” the park keeper laughed and said, “ok, i will(将) not fine you. remember don’t do it again.

”( )1. how old is sandy?

a. sixb. fivec. four

( )2. where were they taking a walk?

a. in the school. b. in the park. c. in the zoo.

( )3. were there any bees on the flowers?

a. yes, there were. b. no, there weren’t. c. yes, there was.

( )4. what does the sign on the grass mean?

a. no parking.. b. no climbing. c. keep off(远离) the grass.

( )5. which sentence following is true(真实的)?

a. the park keeper fined sandy ten the park keeper fined sandy five yuan.

c. the park keeper didn’t fine sandy.


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