
发布 2020-08-11 12:19:28 阅读 9448

unit 1 the king’s new clothes教案。

the 1st period

教材解读】本课时主要学习内容story time是安徒生经典童话《皇帝的新装》的英文简化版本。通过故事的学习,可以进一步培养学生学习和阅读的兴趣,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。







学习目标】1. 能听懂、会读、会说: king, clothes, was, were, magic, clever, foolish, walk through, people, shout, beautiful, wear, point at, laugh.

2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: clever people can see the clothes.

foolish people can’t see them. the king isn’t wearing any clothes.

3. 能正确地理解并。


4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己对所学故事的看法。

5. 能使学生认识到在生活中要敢于说真话,不虚伪。

导学过程】1. free talk:

1) self-introduction

2) talk about our clothes and learn “clothes”

3) introduce the king: who is he? how do you know?

is his clothes beautiful? (learn: king)

2. while-reading:

1) watch the cartoon and guess the name of the story.

2) fast reading. read the story individually and try to find out:

a. the time: when did the story happen?

learn: long long ago,was,were)

b. the main characters: who are in the story?

3) paragraph 1: show picture 1 and learn.

a. listen to the story and answer:

why did the two men visit the king? what did they say?

b. read it together.

pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: liked, visited)

4) paragraph 2: read and learn.

a. read paragraph 2 and complete the following sentence:

according to the two men, the king’s new clothes are .

because .(learn: magic, clever, foolish)

b. listen and repeat.

c. let some students try to act the two men.

5) paragraph 3 and 4: read in pairs/groups and act.

a. the king walked through the city in his new clothes.

learn: walk through.

b. what did the people say? try to act and say.

c. what did the boy say? try to act and say

d. learn the new words: shout, point at, laugh.

and pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: looked, shouted, pointed, laughing

e. what do you think of the boy and the people in the street? why?

6) read and finish the exercise.

a. read and do the exercise.

b. check.

c. read the whole story together.

3. post-reading:

1) act the story in groups.

2) try to retell.

4. homework:

recite the story and try to read more anderson fairy tales

板书设计】unit 1 the king’s new clothes

long long ago, there was/were…

my king,…

what beautiful clothes!

ha!ha! the king isn’t wearing any clothes.

教学反思】the 2nd period

教材解读】本节课主要学习grammer time 和fun time两个板块。grammer time重点学习一般过去时态(the ****** past tense)。其中重点学习关于动词be的过去式和规则动词的过去式词尾变化的两种形式,即加ed的和以不发音字母e结尾的加d的动词的过去式形式,及其读音。

fun time则是通过说一说,演一演,对story time 进一步学习和理解,并在此过程中练习一般过去时。

学习目标】1、the students can master the rules of the verbs in past forms (学生掌握动词过去是的规则)

2、the students can say and act the story by using the ****** past tense. (学生能用一般过去时进行对话和表演)

3、the students can try to talk about past events. (学生能试着谈论过去的经历。)

导学过程】step 1 revision

1. revise the words and phrase clever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout. pay attention t o the spelling.

2. t: last class we learnt a story about a king and his new clothes.

look at the boy. he pointed at the king and laughed. why?

s: because the king wasn’t wearing any clothes.

t: yes. the king was foolish.

do you like the story? let’s read the whole story together.

step 2 grammar time

from the story we know longlongago, there was a king. the king liked new clothes. who can read the words and sentences like this.

教师示范朗读,纠正发音,学生练习读。板书is-was, like- liked。

let’s read the following sentences in groups. divide the class into groups of four. they should read the sentences loudly.

呈现grammar time中的句子,让学生在小组里读一读。

3. underline the words was, were, visited, liked, looked, pointed shouted, laughed.划出句中的动词过去式。


unit 1theking snewclothes the first period 教学内容 story time 1教学目标 1.介绍be动词过去式的构成。2.引入规则动词过去式的构成3.会用日常用语long long ago 教学重点 帮助学生初步感知和理解一般过去时。教学难点 一般过去时的陈...

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