
发布 2020-08-01 02:05:28 阅读 1236




)1. a. littleb. litterc. letter

)2. a. moveb. morec. most

)3. a. smellb. spellc. smoke

)4. a. fishb. rubbishc. rich

)5. a. last weekb. next weekc. this week

)6. a. protectb. projectc. subject

)7. a. caught

)8. a. plantb. antc. plane

)9. a. watch fireworksb. light firecrackers c. light fireworks

)10. a. palace museumb. shanghai museum c. summer palace



) she watched fireworks. b. she’s watching fireworks. c. she watches fireworks.

) it means “danger”. b. yes, they doc. they mean “no parking”.

) he saw a filmb. she visited her uncle. c. no, she didn’t.

) it’s cloudyb. it rainedc. it was windy.

) yes, it isb. it is cleanc. no, it doesn’t.


) is a good boy.

) is sometimes late for school.

) word “slow down” means “减速慢行”.

) isn’t a sign near jerry’s school.

) is friday.



) picked

) pear

二、根据句意、首字母、中文意思或用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10分)

k___the classroom clean, we should clean it every day.

2. -what’s your p __for the winter holiday? -i’m going to visit my grandparents.

cthere is a hole here.

was very eabout the fashion show.

play the piano three years ago.

(be) a lot ofpeople ) on the ship.

would likeeat)some fish.

8. no停车) here!

and ifly) kites in the park next sunday.


) 1can make houyi park messy and dirty.

a. black smokeb. waterc. rubbish

) 2. —where did you go last night? –i stayed at home because there was

a. he**y rainb. he**y rainsc. hard rain

) great wall is in

a. shanghaib. beijingc. nanjing

) 4. father christmas comes into the house through the

abc. ) 5. in the us, people call the metro___

a. subwayb. underground c. train

) 6. the old man walked to the mobile phone and

a. picked it upb. picked up itc. picked them up

) 7 we should reuse plastic___a toy.

a. makeb. to makec. for make

) 8. -when do we oftenin winter.

a. plant treesb. make snowmen c. swim

) 9. -mum, i can sing well now

a. okb. well donec. thank you

) 10. -can you __ityes, r-o-a-d, road.

a. spellb. readc. see

) 11. tooplastic is bad for the earth. we should not use tooplastic

bags or bottles.

muchb. many; manyc. much; many

) 12. -do you like your chinese teacher? -yes. she often __us stories in class.

a. speaksb. tellsc. talks

) 13. -tim is only five years old, but he can draw very well. -how __he is!

a. foolishb. carefulc. clever

) 14. -did the fashion show __well? -yes. it was wonderful.


一 英汉词组互译。10分 1.变成 our earth 2.国庆节 water 3.交朋友 down 4.来自9.messy and dirty 5.在一家购物中心 a sentence 二 按要求写单词。10分 过去式名词。原形过去式。反义词现在分词。三单比较级。反义词宾格。三 单项选择。10分 ...


六年级英语调研试题。时间 90分钟满分 100分。笔试部分 70分 四 按要求写出单词。10分 第三人称单数过去式反义词 比较级动名词。五 英汉短语互译。15分 1.一个乱七八糟的房间2.保持城市的干净。3.步行上学 the street dirty to hospital 六 单项选择。15分 c...


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