
发布 2020-08-18 13:32:28 阅读 8873



there were black c___in the s___it’s going to rain.

33-34. be c___the g___is wet.

35-36 --why did the boy l___at the king?

---because the king isn’t w___any clothes.

37-38. the g___w___is the longest wall in the world.

39. our n___day is on the first day of october.

40. thirty years ago, my grandpa read n___for news


41. rubbish __make) the streets dirty.

42. my father can onlysmoke) in the kitchen.

43. my mother likesdo) shopping on the internet.

44-46. listen! the girlplay) the piano.

she __play) it every afternoon. but she didn’t __play) it yesterday afternoon.

47. mr. green usuallylisten to ) the radio when he was young.

48. there __are) any hospital in our city in 1940.


)49. it’s warm today. i get a card from my good friend mark

abc( )50. my sister is a student. she is clever at many things. i like her very much.

abc( )new year is coming. this teddy bear is for you, my dear!


)52. my father is a cook. he works in the

a. restaurant b. bookshop c. toy shop d. library

( )53.单词“wall, wear, visit, lake”在英语字典中的先后顺序是“__

a. lake, visit, wall, wearc. visit, lake, wear, wall

b. lake, visit, wear, walld. visit, lake, wall, wear

( )54. we __a parrot show in the school this afternoon and it was very interesting.

a. looked at b. watched c. saw d. took

)55. “wow, what a nice a picture!” 这句话句末应读成___

a. 升调 b. 降调 c.平调 d.连读。

)56. the americans invented the __

a. aeroplane b. train c. ***** d. telephone

)57did you call me?

---because i wanted to give you a present.

a. what b. when c. where d. why

)58. i called __yesterday afternoon. but she __in .

a. she, isn’t b. her, wasn’t c. her, isn’t d. her, is

) 59. in the uk, people call the metro __

a. train b. underground d. car

) 60. we can’t h**e anything to eat or drink here. what’s the sign?

a. no eating or drinking b. no littering

c. no parkingd. danger!

) 61.__is not the main school holiday in the uk.

a. the easter holiday b. the christmas holiday

c. the thanksgiving day holiday d. the summer holiday


62. i want to play ball games, please __this ball for me.

63. did the party __yes, it was wonderful.

the frog __a smart prince.

65. the lion __the forest every day.

66. all the children are __the party.

67. we __the hill. it was cold there.

68. now she has many e-friends from __

69. the kite flew too high and we couldn’t __it.


)70. what happeneda. because i wanted to give you a fish

) day is todayb. it means you can’t smoke here

) 72. where did you go for the holiday? c. it’s sunday.

) 73. why did you call med. i wore a ***** t-shirt

) 74. what did you weare. i went to a farm

) 75. what does this sign meanf. i lost my new kite in the park


look! this is my family album(相册). look at this photo.

it was spring festival last year. it was w___in nanjing . my parents and i w___to the s___c___

to buy new clothes. in this photo, we w___in shanghai in the summer h___

it was very hot outside, we v___the car museum. ah, this is my f**ourite photo. it

was the first day of october in 2015. it was s___in beijing. we s___tian’anmen square.

it was so beautiful in the sun. we a___beijing duck. we had a lot of fun in beijing.




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