
发布 2020-07-09 20:39:28 阅读 9490


look看上去 cashier收银员 cola可乐 dollar美元 cent美元 enjoy享用 careful小心的 be careful!当心! later后来,以后 to go剩余 duck鸭子 pond水池,池塘 cloud云 dry干的 like像……一样 look like看来好像 stay保持,维持 shine(太阳)发光,照耀 cry哭 everyone 人人,每人;大家 fly away飞走 just就,且请 cow奶牛 blow吹,刮 rabbit兔子 balloon气球 stairs气球。

mess肮脏;凌乱 play演奏,弹奏(**) third第三(个) time次,回 bark(狗)吠,叫 loudly大声地 nothing没有东西,没有事情 home回家 got(get的过去式)得到,收到 space太空 interested感兴趣的 spaceship宇宙飞船 finish结束,完成

decide决定 *****纸做的,纸质的 brought(bring的过去式)拿来,带来 bring back带回 model模型 taikonaut(中国的)太空人,宇航员 first最初(的),第一次(的)

national国家的,民族的 seed种子 spent(spend的过去式)度过 about大约 flew(fly的过去式)飞,飞行 october十月 video录像 proud感到自豪的,感到骄傲的

someday有朝一日 born出生,诞生 as作为 became(become的过去式)变成 letter字母 spell拼写,拼出 herself她自己 all over到处,遍及,处处 live活着

role model模范;榜样 cup杯子 planned(plan的过去式)计划 baseball棒球more更强烈地 smile微笑 mistake错误 make mistakes犯错误 with与……有关said(say的过去式)说 raincoat雨衣 wish愿望,希望;祝,祝愿 best wishes最美好的祝愿 primary小学的,初等的 primary school小学message留言 keep保留 forever永远 joy乐事,乐趣 future将来,未来wonderful了不起的,出色的 happiness幸福,愉快 what多么middle中间的,中等的;中期,中间 middle school中学 speech演说,讲演 classmate同班同学 le**e离开 september九月 excited激动的,兴奋的 geography地理 same相同的 at the same time同时 little及少量的spoke(speak的过去式)说(某种语言) keep on保持 practice练习sometime某个时候 each other互相,彼此 chemistry化学 physics物理。

1. what do you want ,,daming ? 大明,你想要什么?

2. i want a hot dog, please. 请给我一个热狗。

3. can i help you? 我可以帮助你吗?

4. how much is it ?多少钱?

5. it’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 十三美元二十五美分。

6. here you are. 给你。

7. thank you. enjoy your meal! 谢谢。享受你的餐。

8. what do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?

9. what do you want to drink? 你想喝什么?

10. when are we going to eat? 我们什么时候可以吃东西呢?

11. let’s h**e a picnic in the park today!今天让我们在公园举行野餐。

12. what time is it now? 现在几点了?

13. look at the ducks! they are eating our sandwiches.看看这些鸭子!他们正在吃我们的野餐。

14. it looks like you’re going to stay hungry, simon! 看起来你只好饿着了,西蒙!

15. it will snow in harbin. 哈尔滨将要下雪。

16. it will be sunny in beijing. 北京将是晴朗的天气。

17. in this photo, the sun is shining. the birds are singing in the tree.在这张**中,阳光明媚。


18. in this photo, it’s starting to rain and the birds are flying away. 在这张**中,天正在下雨,小鸟都飞走了。

19. the cows are drinking water. 奶牛正在喝水。

20. the ducks are swimming on the pond.鸭子在池塘中游泳。

21. she’s buying things for your birthday.她正在为你的生日买东西。

22. who can help me? i can’t carry everything. 谁能帮我?我拿不动每一样东西了。

23. the oranges are falling! 橘子掉了。

24. simon, come and help us. 西蒙,过来帮助我们。

25. the balloons are flying away! 气球飘走了!

26. the apples are falling down the stairs. 苹果正从楼梯上滚下来。

27. the eggs are broken. what a mess!鸡蛋碎了。多么脏乱啊!

28. he is playing the suona, but the phone rings.他正在吹唢呐,但是**响了。

29. he is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog starts to bark very loudly.他第三次吹起了唢呐,但是狗开始非常大声地叫起来。

30. he’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain.他正在骑自行车,但是天开始下雨了。

31. she’s doing exercise, but it gets too hot.她正在做操,但是天开始变热了。

32. it was daming’s birthday yesterday. simon’s mum bought him a present.昨天是大明的生日。


33. it was a book about space tr**el.它是一本关于太空旅行的书。

34. daming is very interested in space tr**el.大明对太空旅行感兴趣。

35. daming asked him to read the book with him..大明邀请他和他一起读。

36. they learnt a lot about space tr**el.他们学了许多关于太空旅行的知识。

37. then they dceided to make a ***** spaceship together.然后他们决定一起做一个纸质的宇宙飞船。

38. daming thanked her for the birthday present.大明感谢她的生日礼物。

39. the name of the spaceship is shenzhouv. 宇宙飞船的名字叫做神舟五号。

40. it took the national flag of china and some seeds too.它也带着中国国旗和一些种子。

41. he spent about twenty-one hours in space.他在太空中度过了21小时。

42. he made a video in he came back to the earth.他在太空做了一段录像。然后他回到了地球。

43. my mother and i went to the airport to meet my father.我和妈妈去机场接的爸爸。

44. i was very proud of him.我为他感到自豪。

45. i want to go into space someday too.我也想有朝一日进入太空。

46. helen keller was born in the us in 1880.海伦凯乐出生在2024年的美国。

47. she drew letters in helen’s hand and taught her to spell.她在海伦的手上画字母并叫他拼写。

48. she wrote a book about herself and tr**elled all over the world.她写了一本关于太空旅行的书并且到世界各地游览。

49. she is a role model for blind people,and also for you and me.她是盲人的榜样,也是你和我的榜样。

50. why do you h**e cups on your heads?为什么你要把杯子放在你的头上。

51. sam came into the classroom and saw some friends there.萨姆进入教室看到一些朋友在那里。


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