
发布 2020-05-24 17:35:28 阅读 9730


三年级上册unit4 we love animals

part a let’s learn/let’s chant


1、能够听、说、认读本课时主要单词cat, dog, bear, duck和pig2、能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:it’sa+动物名称,并进行操练运用。

3、能够认读on the log、in the truck、on the pear等短语。3、能够听懂歌谣,并按照节奏念出该歌谣。二、教学重、难点:

1、重点掌握有关动物名称的英语表达:cat,dog,bear,duck和pig。2、一只小动物的英语表达it’s a…3、歌谣吟唱。三、课前准备:课件。

2.单词卡片,魔术小盒子。四、教学过程:step i. warm -up1、greetings

t:hello! girls and boys. i am miss sheng.

what’s this? (show a box)it’s a magical box.

what’s in it ? let’s h**e a look.2、play the magic to warm ii、lead in

1、continue talking about the magic.

t: what’s this ? ss:

it’s a small box.(lead out)you are great. let’s look at the picture and find outwhat’s this.

game.t: what’s this ? ss:it’s a iii、presentation

1、learn the new word“duck”. stick the word card on the



in the sentence“it’s a dog / bear.”

3、listen to the sound of the animals .guess“what’s

this?”learn theothertwowords. putthewordscardson the blackboard.

4、show the pictures . review the words.


shadow on the screen. come to the book.


words after iv、practice

1、play a game .“beat the mice”

student try to beat the correct word card and try to say“it’sadog/cat/…”when he/shefinishes,he/shewillbethe order giver in the next game. continue the game with somegroups.

2、continue playing another game.“find them in the

picture.”3、let’s chant .

show the pictures. go through the new words in this the words together. lead out the new words inlet’s chant.

cat-fat pig-big dog-log duck-trunk bear-pear4、watch the video about part let’s chantstep v、sum-up

1、conclude what we h**e learned in this class.2、read together.

pig-pig-it’s a pig. bear-bear-it’s a bear.

cat-cat-it’s a cat. duck-duck-it’s a a dog.

3、show the picture. lead out“animals are our friends. weshould love them.

”step vi、homework1、copy the new words.

2、try to make the hand shadow in the evening.

blackboard design:

duckbeat the mice(game)

dogit’s a bearpigcat




unit4 we love animals part a let’s learn部分主要是5个动物名称cat ,dog ,bear ,duck和pig的表达。以及会描述一只小动物it’s a+动物名称。其中let’slearn中的cat ,duck,dog三个单词在unit 2的letters and sound部分接触过,pig与bear是新授单词。

鉴于三年级学生对英语有很浓的兴趣,再加上他们的年龄特点,所以在三年级教学中把单词和句型的教学与游戏相结合,使他们乐于参与,学生学习的积极性很高。我们在教学过程中要注意反复利用所学过的句型进行操练,让学生通过复习旧语言的活动感知心得语言点,减轻教与学的难度。课堂教学开始后,首先采用变魔术的方式激发学生的学习欲望,活跃课堂教学氛围,并在过程中重复目标语言“what’s this?

it’s a….”紧接着趁热打铁,利用看碎片图,猜动物的方式导入到新单词的学习中。为了破解猜图学单词的枯燥性,再利用听音辨动物的方式导出pig和cat的学习。

由于本课是单词并不复杂,且是孩子们平常容易接触的知识,难度并不大。单词教学以后利用**复习单词发音并过度到书本手影**的学习,进行进一步巩固。练习部分以游戏为主,“ the picture”帮助孩子们在游戏中深入巩固单词及句型的记忆。

接下来该利用**对比呈现的方式对比学习let’s chant中单词“fat、big、log、truck、pear”认识,为let’s chant的操练做好准备。最后带孩子们总结本课时所学内容,引导孩子们热爱小动物的积极情感。针对自己的平时课堂教学的不足,我也总结了自己需要改进的地方:




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