
发布 2020-05-05 22:33:28 阅读 4204

新版pep小学英语五年级下册unit2 my f**ourite season a let’s talk 教学设计。

设计者: 纳林希里小学康玉秀。

一 、teaching aims:


a. ss can listen and understand “a let’s try ”and do the exercises.

can listen read ,and say the words and sentences:

words: season spring summer autumn fall and winter

sentences: which season do you like best? i like… best.

2. ability aims:

ss can use the following sentences in real situation:

what’s your f**ourite season/food/ day…?

i like…

which season/food/day… do you like best?

i like … best.

aims:let the ss formed the emotion”if you are enjoying four seasons,enjoying everyday of the life,good luck will always care for you.”

二 、 teaching important points and difficulties:

1. important points: a. ss can listen,say,read and use the sentences:

what’s your f**ourite season/food/ day…?

i like…

which season/food/day… do you like best?

i like … best.

b. ss can read,listen,say and use the words:

season spring summer autumn fall and winter

2. difficulties:

a. ss can read the words correctly: spring and autumn.

b. ss can share their opinionwith their friends.

三 、teaching aids:

ppt and the recorder.

四 teaching steps:

1. warming up:

a. greeting and let’s sing: “what’s your f**ourite season?”

b. free talk: according to the pictures ask and answer

what’s your f**ourite food/fruit/day? and share the ****** reasons.

2. lead in:

a guessing game :

t: who are they? do you know them?

ss: yes, we do .they are the snow white and the prince.

t: we know the story. yes, the prince loves the snow white so much .

at last the prince s**es the snow white. he must go through a door and answer four qs.

q1: if there’s only one day you stay with the snow white? what is it?

the prince answers “everyday”. how about two days? “day and night” three days?

yesterday, today and tomorrow” four days?

t lets ss guess.

spring, summer, autumn and winter”

3. presentation and practice:

t: today the prince comes to our english class. he also takes some candy for you.

if you can learn the “four days ” better and finish the four steps,you can get much candy.(t divides ss for three big groups)

step 1: to know the four seasons.

t: what’s the weather like?

s1… s2… …warm sunny windy ..

t: what season is it?

spring.( spell sport ring )

read it one by one.

t: what’s the weather like?

s3… s4… …hot sunny ..

t: what season is it?

summer.( but, father ,mother,brother and sister )

read it one group by one group .

t: what’s the weather like?

s5… s6… …cool windy ..

t: what season is it?

autumn /fall .(au+tu+mn tall)

boys and girls read them respectively.

t: what’s the weather like?

s7 s8 ….snowy cold…)

t: what season is it?

winter(win+ ter)

read it together.


show your opinion:

what’s your f**ourite season?

which season do you like best?

2)pair work.

step 3: to know our old friends:listen and answer the qs.

q1:what is the weather like today?

q2:what’s is chen’s f**ourite season?

fill in the blanks and read the dialogue.

4. consolidation and extention:

step4 . do a survey then make a report.

do more surveies and make a report.

let’s enjoy the four seasons,enjoy everyday of the life,good luck will always care for you.

5. summary:

let’s sing “which season do you like best?”

6: homework:

a. recite let’s talk fluently.

b. share your opinion adout the four seasons.

新版pep小学英语五年级下册unit2 my f**ourite season a let’s talk 说课稿。


一、 说教材:

新版pep小学英语五年级教材以话题为钢,交际功能为线,运用英语谈论生活中的问题。本课是unit2 my f**ourite season part a let’s try & let’s talk部分的内容。从内容上看,主要是想表达自己最喜爱的季节。

在五年级上 unit 3 what’s your f**ourite food?表达喜爱的句型已经学过。另外已学过食物,星期,水果等话题的词汇。

四年级下册也已经学过表示天气的单词如windy, sunny,cool,cloudy等,以上学过的内容均为本节课的学习做了很好的铺垫。本节课在这些的基础上,继续学习“季节”这一同学们非常熟悉的话题。我将本节课的目标设为能听说认读表示季节的词汇以及在what’s your f**ourite season ?

的基础上进一步学习表达最喜爱事物的另一种常用的表达方法。能熟练的在语境中运用这一句型和能准确的表达季节的单词为本节课的教学重点。能读准单词“spring” “autumn“以及能熟练的与同伴表达自己的喜好及简单陈述其原因为本节课的教学难点。

二、 说学情:



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