
发布 2020-04-11 06:49:28 阅读 2676

《unit 4 what can you do?》教学设计。

unit 4 what can you do?


part a (let`s learn do a survey let`s spell)

教学目标:1. 能够正确听、说、朗读“what can you do?”“i can…”等询问他人和表达自己能力的交际用语。

2. 能够正确听、说、认读单词和短语:sing、song、sing english songs、play the pipa、kung fu、dance、draw等。

3. 能够听懂、会说let`s learn的内容,并根据实际情况运用本课重点句型表达自己的兴趣和爱好。

4. 能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力,并且进行积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习能力。

教学重点:1. 能够掌握单词和短语:sing、song、sing english songs、play the pipa、kung fu、dance、draw等。

2. 能够在实际语境中运用关于能力的问答句:“what can you do?”“i can…”



教学设计:step 1 warming up

sing a chant

t:please stand up!listen to me.

sing a chant after me. and do the actions. here we go !


t:run、run、i can run.

s:run、run、i can run.(做奔跑动作)

t:jump、jump、i can jump.

s:jump、jump、i can jump.(做跳跃动作)

t:sing、sing、i can sing.

s:sing、sing、i can sing.(做唱歌动作)

t:draw、draw、i can draw.

s:draw、draw、i can draw.(做画画动作)

step 2 presentation


1. challenge one(let`s guess)


t:now ,let`s take a guess .what can zhang peng do?教师给出各种提示,让学生边猜测,边学新手知识。

1) 教师唱一首英文歌,学生马上反应过来,s :zhang peng can sing .t :

yes ,he can sing english songs.学习词组sing english songs,教师板书。

2) 课件**琵琶声音,让学生听声音猜测。t:what`s this? s: it`s a pipa.

3) 教师**一段关于中国功夫的**,教授kung fu 的读音和书写。由于本单元第一课时已经接触过do kung fu ,所以学生很快反应过来:he can do kung fu .

4) 教师无声做出dance的口型,要求学生根据教师的口型猜测单词:dance,学生猜出后说:he can dance.

5) 教师在黑板上画一幅简笔画,学生猜出是draw.

6) t: what do i draw?

7) s: you draw a “灰太狼”.

8) t: yes .this “灰太狼” is a cartoon.教授cartoon & draw cartoons.

9) t: now ,you are all zhang peng . please answer my questions .what can you do?

s: i can sing english songs.

t: what can you do?

s: i can play the pipa.

t: what can you do?

s: i can do kung fu.

2. challenge two(let`s do a exercises)

1) 教师**录音,完成**学习第一题。

2) touching game:看谁反应快。教师把本课的单词卡贴到黑板上,让学生说出词、词组的同时,比比谁能第一个摸对单词卡。

3) play a game (what`s missing?):教师**幻灯片,学生仔细记忆一**片,随后其中的一张消失了,同学们用“i can…”喊出其相应的英文。

4) 完成**学习第二题。

3. challenge three (pronunciation):

1) 总计规律。

book ,look ,football ,good中双元音字母组合oo发音为/u/

balloon ,food ,zoo ,noodles中双元音字母组合oo发音为/u:/

2) 听录音完成第40页listen ,circle and say

3) 完成part a 部分look ,listen and write.

step 3 consolidation


t:you all did a good job! now,let`s go to my birthday party.

1) 完成**学习第四题:do a survey.

2) 展示表演结果。

step 4 homework

1. listen and recite the dialogue.

2. finish the relevant workbook exercises.

3. do a survey about what your friends can do.

4. preview next lesson.


教学设计。unit 4what can you do?课题。授课人课型。new lesson part alet s learndo a survey 1.学生能听 说 读 写单词或词组 sing song kung fu dance 和词组 singenglishsongs playthepipa...


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