
发布 2020-04-11 05:38:28 阅读 1029




一、listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在括号里。)(5分)

) b. clean c. clothes d. closet

( )b. fresh c. fruit d. funny

( )b. bridge c. bedroom d. building

( )b. picture c. potato d. path

) b. tree c. thin d. tomato

二、listen, answer and number.(听问句,找答案,并在答案前标号。)(10分)

i can wash the windows.

mr. li.

yes, there are.

there is a picture.

it’s near the table.

三、listen and write.(听录音,完成对话。)(10分)


jack: i can the___

mike: what can you do, lucy?

lucy: i can

mike: both of you areat home.

四、listen and choose. (给听到的句子选择合适的答语。)(5分)

1、( a. no, there isn'tb. yes, i can.

2、( a. i can cook the mealsb. he is short and strong.

3、( a. we h**e tomatoes for lunch. b. we h**e english, math and chinese.

4、( a. i'd like to h**e a tryb. i'd like some tomatoes and beef.

5、( a. no, there isn’tb. yes, i can.

五、listen and write.(听录音,按录音内容完成句子。)(10分)

1your english teacher?

li.2. -what day is it


3. look! i h**e a new __and a big __

4. -what can you do, sarah?

---i can empty the

5. -is there a forest in the park?

---yesand there is a river, too.


六、read and match.(选择正确答案的序号。)(5分)

)1.white clouda.在村庄旁边。

)2.blue skyb.白云。

)3.near the villagec.蓝天。

)4.on the grassd. 自然公园。

)5.nature parke.在草地上。

七、read and write.(看图,补全下列词组。)(10分)

readwater thetv

the meals dodo the

the floor set thethe

八、read and match.(从右栏中找出与左栏内容一致的句子。)(5分)

) 1. is she quieta. i do my homework.

) 2. what day is it todayb no, she is very active.

) the catc. it's tuesday.

) s your english teacher? d. it’s on the desk..

) do you do on sundays? e. mr. zhao.

九、read and choose. (选择填空) (5分)

)1.— your math teacher like?

a. what b. what’s c. where

)2.—is he young ?—he’s old.

a. yes, she is b. yes, he is c. no, he isn’t.

) is a picture my family.

a. of b. on c. in

a. my sisters b. my sister’s c. my sister

)5. are you __at home ?

a. help b. helps c. helpful

)6.—can you do housework

a. yes,i can b. yes ,i do. c. no,i can

) are many __on the shelf。

a. story-book b. story-books c. story-book’s

) some flowers in front of the house.

a. be b. are c. is

)9.—_is the trash bin ?—it’s near the table

a. what b. who c. where

) is old man in the house.

a. a b. an c. the

十、read and make a sentence.(连词组句)(10分)

1. can, what, do? you

2. there, many, fish, in, are, river, the

3. my , i , room , h**e , own

4. i, homework, too, do, my

5. near, it's, door. the

十一、read and fill in the blanks.(根据汉语,完成句子)(10分)

1. 我们在周二上英语和科学。

weenglish and science on

2. 你最喜欢什么水果?我喜欢苹果, 它非常甜。

what’s yourfruit?i likethey’re sweet.


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